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Bill Gates predicts when COVID-19 pandemic will be over

送交者: 大号蚂蚁[☆★★我佛慈悲★★☆] 于 2021-12-26 15:03 已读 368 次  


Bill Gates predicts when Omicron variant will pass and COVID-19 pandemic will be over

Bill Gates took to Twitter to share his opinion on the latest COVID-19 wave that has hit the world, following the emergence of the Omicron variant.

The Microsoft co-founder revealed that he was forced to cancel his plans for Christmas and urged people to take the spread of the new variant seriously.

"Just when it seemed like life would return to normal, we could be entering the worst part of the pandemic," wrote Gates.

"Omicron will hit home for all of us. Close friends of mine now have it, and I've cancelled most of my holiday plans.

"Omicron is spreading faster than any virus in history. It will soon be in every country in the world.

"The big unknown is how sick Omicron makes you. We need to take it seriously until we know more about it. Even if it's only half as severe as Delta, it will be the worst surge we have seen so far because it's so infectious."

Gates' prediction

However, Gates believes that the COVID-19 pandemic could come to an end in the next calendar year and predicted that the ongoing wave will last up to three months.

"If there's good news here, it's that omicron moves so quickly that once it becomes dominant in a country, the wave there should last less than three months," added Gates.

"Those few months could be bad, but I still believe if we take the right steps, the pandemic can be over in 2022.

"I know it's frustrating to go into another holiday season with COVID looming over us. But it won't be like this forever.

"Someday the pandemic will end, and the better we look after each other, the sooner that time will come."
贴主:大号蚂蚁于2021_12_26 15:05:56编辑
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How do you know all of these, Bill? - 大号蚂蚁 (26 bytes) 12/26/21

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