【原创 】AI可信度初探
最近DeepSeek的出现,又把AI应用推向了一个新的高潮。我一直在想这个问题,通过AI工具如Chat GPT搜索出来的结果,有多少可信度呢?我们如果仅仅是好奇而查阅一下某个问题,并不把结果当真,倒也无所谓。但如果是想要把结果用来支持某个研究,就要认真想一想了。最好的处理办法是顺着线索把有关问题再查证一遍。即把AI工具当作一个助手,而不是完全依赖它。我现在做了一个实验,就查
Review of XPress-MP,分别用Chat GPT和DeepSeek查,发现了结果很不一样。两者的口气不一样。
DeepSeek: "Okay, so I need to review XPress-MP. Let me start by recalling what I know about it. XPress-MP is an optimization software, right? It's used for mathematical programming, like linear programming, integer programming, maybe even nonlinear problems. I think it's developed by FICO, which used to be called Fair Isaac Corporation.First, I should outline the key features. It's a solver, so it has algorithms for different types of optimization problems. Maybe it's known for handling large-scale problems efficiently. Users might be in industries like logistics, finance, manufacturing. Let me check if there are specific industries where XPress-MP is popular.
I remember that XPress-MP has a modeling language, maybe similar to AMPL or GAMS. That allows users to formulate their models in a more readable way instead of coding everything from scratch. The Mosel language comes to mind. Mosel is part of XPress-MP, right? So users can write models using Mosel, which then interfaces with the solver. That's a plus for usability."
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