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8.10 科学家的特质

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-28 9:01 已读 143 次  



回答: 📖8 死不瞑目 Die with Eyes Open 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:26

In the spring of 1998, at my dissertation defense, the judges got into a fight and a female professor who had taught me cried. Then they discussed whether my thesis had been copied. Several of those who had taught me said they had never seen it. The dean said: "The thing, we have to ask his advisor!”

My advisor said: "His original draft was over an inch thick, with a hundred or so new formulas. I told him to pick the ones he was sure of, to be concise, not to write so many. He picked about ten formulas, and the paper turned out like this."

The dean said: "Ah! You helped change it."
My advisor turned around: "What did I do that for! I just corrected some typos."
The dean grinned and said: "And typos!"

我导师和院长吵起来了,砸桌子后,走了。一个老师告诉我,快去拽他回来!答辩会,导师不能缺席。我出去拽他,他说,他们太欺负人了。我说,你就再坐会儿,若不然,我的答辩不就得等下次了。他对我说,“哪儿有不通过的!” 说着,他蹦起来朝屋里喊,“他的博士生啥样啊!” 就离开了。
My advisor and the dean got into an argument, slammed the desk, and left. A teacher told me to go drag him back! The advisor can't be absent at a defense meeting. I went out to drag him, but he said, "They're being bullies. I said, "Just sit down for a little while longer, or else my defense will have to wait until next time. He said to me, "There's no such thing as not passing!" With that, he jumped up and yelled into the room, "What about PhD students theirs!" And he left.

I came back to the defense meeting and there were a few more questions from the judges. One of the professors who had taught me said to me, "You've said enough! For the rest of the questions, you just answer haven't thought about it."
The dean said: "Forget it, let's drop this one! If we go on like this, we won't be able to finish the defense in two weeks. Call the next one to the stage!"

One day, my advisor Huang came to talk to me and said that he could recommend me to go to a coal research institute. He said that there was no future there, but that it would be stable for the rest of my life. Then he said: "They rated your paper as an A. You don't feel much about it, but this A is very competitive among many graduate students. There are several good graduates in our school this year. Maybe you have heard of it, there are several people whose master's thesis has been published in domestic and foreign journals. The judges gave you an A, but they gave them a B. Do you know why?"

I stated that I didn't know and hadn't thought about it.
My advisor said: "I know this! It's not that your dissertation is so good, it's that they want to recruit you for their PhD."
I replied: "I'm a college graduate and have a really poor foundation in all areas."

My advisor said: "That, and they all know it and have considered your background. They gave you an A. It was a vote by show of hands at a meeting, and it was unanimous, and they all have confidence in you. There's a reason for this: whether a researcher produces results or not is related to personality. They think you have the character traits to do research. You have this character, if you are willing to work hard, your chances of success are two or three times higher than their good students."

I asked: "What's so special about my personality?"
My mentor said: "I don't quite understand, I can't say; however, you don't have to doubt this. You know, the reputation of the PhD of our school is not bad to take."

I replied: "I've heard about it. They are the only post-doctoral mobile station for rock mechanics in China and have been world-class since the 1950s. It is said that the doctors from our institute are popular all over the world. Just because of them, Chinese has become the second language of this profession."

My advisor said: "It's not that good! It's just okay. Besides, a PhD is still a lifetime honor in some people's conception."
I replied: "A PhD is nice to hear. If I were to do a PhD, I'd have to learn it all from scratch; people do it for two or three years, I'd have to do it for five or six."

(3 我的特质 My Traits)

My advisor said: "You still think so! But it's good to get a PhD in five or six years! It's worth it!"
I said: "Of course it's good to succeed. What if I fail! I've heard that the theory they're working on is understood by only 300 people in the world. If I don't understand it, my life will be ruined."

My advisor said: "It's not as hard as you think! If you don't understand it, you can just change your master's thesis and graduate with a doctorate; then, you can become a teacher in any school, just like me. I don't understand their stuff."
I said: "Mr. Huang, you may not know, in the study, if I can not understand, I feel difficult, always can not let go, can not eat well, can not sleep. If I can't understand, my life will be ruined. Reading a doctorate is too risky, I do not read."

My advisor said: "I said, you can consider playingly get a doctorate. For you, deceitfully getting a PhD is not hard!"
I said: "I've mulled over this and wondered why it's always so hard for me to do things. I realized that I can't let go of any problems! Fooling around is a hard thing for me to learn. So, I'll just find an industry that doesn't use much brain. I deceivingly get a master's degree, so that I wouldn't let others look down on me. If I fool around again to get PhD, even I myself would look down on myself."

My advisor exclaimed: "Holy shit!"
Surprised, I asked: "What's wrong?"

My advisor said: "That's what they told me, that if you agree to do a PhD, you won't be fooling around, I just didn't believe it!"
I was surprised and asked: "There are a lot of people who are fooling around! They've never even seen me before, saw me just once at the defense meeting, said they that I am not a fooling around person!?”

My advisor said: "Right! Most of them just saw you that one time at the defense meeting, and they saw it and said you just don't have the personality to fool. It seems I'm no good, I've known you for five or six years and I didn't see anything!"

注8.10-3,教授们说的,我适合搞科研的特质是什么?2014年,我写完回忆录后,思考了这问题很久,认为这特质是 “无知而不舍,无不知而舍”。
Annotation 8.10-3, What is the special traits of a scientist they said? In 2014, after I wrote my memoirs, I thought about this question for a long time, and I think that this trait is "no knowing is not abandoned, no unknowing is abandoned”.

一天,李国辉站到了寝室的中央,颇有感慨地说:“我要讲讲什么是一俊遮百丑。我师母亲自给卢岩平反,让我向咱院的各个寝室传达。” 他师母是我们院长夫人,资源土木工程学院的秘书,负责管理我们研究生。
One day, Li Guohui stood up in the center of the dormitory and said rather emotionally: "Today, I'm going to talk about what is “one handsomeness covers up a hundred uglies”. My teacher mother personally vindicated Luyan and asked me to convey it to all the dormitories in our institution." His teacher's mother is our dean's wife, the secretary of the institute of Resource Civil Engineering, responsible for managing our graduate students.

Li said: "Yesterday, at the organization meeting of our institute, my teacher mother solemnly announced: 'In the past, I always said that Luyan was the prodigal son of our institute. As a result, his thesis was evaluated by the thesis evaluation committee of our academy, and all the thirty-three evaluators were unanimous in their opinions, and all of them gave him an excellent grade. He has put in real effort, it's not fake. I call on all the students at this institute to take Luyan as a model, to correct their attitude, and to work hard and sincerely on their studies. From now on, no one can call him a prodigal son anymore.'"

One day in the cafeteria, I met my roommate from when I lived in the 8th Dormitory, the State Council Policeman, he congratulated me. I asked him what I was happy about. Even he knew. He said, "I've heard all about it, your thesis was well written and appreciated."
I didn't feel it and replied: "That's nothing!"

He said: "It's not a big deal! Isn't that what graduate school being all about! Being appreciated by that group of people is a joy to think about for the rest of your life. They've blessed you."
I froze, and when I realized it, I said: "That makes sense, I wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't heard you say it."

He said: "You did a very good job at the Heping Housekeeping Bureau; at Northeastern University, you graduated a year early, and you still managed to get excellent mark! You are indeed different. I just stared at you but couldn't see how you did it!?”

I answered in confusion: "I don't know either, I really don't know anything! How are you? When will you defend?"
He replied: "I came here a few months before you! Until now, they haven't allowed me to prepare a doctoral thesis. There is no schedule for the defense."

注5,在4.10 《遗嘱》中,刘团长对我做出了承诺,“只要我能上大学,就会有与众不同的前途”。所以他在世时,我的生活中总有好运。
Annotation 5, in section 4.10 The Will, Troupe Leader Liu made a promise to me, "As long as I can go to college, I will have a brilliant future". So, when he was alive, I always had good fortune in my life.

(6 命运 Fate)

One day, I met Teacher Huang (the introducer of me and Eve Liu) in the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Building. He solemnly said to me: He failed in my marriage to Eve Liu, but he was still very grateful to me; if I ask him for anything in the future, he will try his best to help. Afterwards, I thought blankly several times about what the State Council Police said: Troupe Leader Liu will succeed. What has he done? How did he fail?

注6,在本书的第1章,刘团长创伤了我,给我留下了个精神病潜伏症。在7.3节《初次见面》,我再次被刘健君创伤。在8.4节《大惊失色》,我受到了严重的惊吓,以至于在8.7节《出故事的人》中,我有了精神病发病的迹象。所以,此时的五年或十年后, 我的精神病发育成熟了,我就会成为精神病人,就会依据10.6节《治疗心理疾病的原则》来生活。刘团长就这样决定了我的命运。
Annotation 6, in Chapter 1 of this book, Troupe Leader Liu traumatized me and left me with a latent mental disorder. In section 7.3, "Blind Date", I was again traumatized by Eve Liu. In section 8.4, "I was Shocked” so badly, so that, in section 8.7 "The Person Who Produces Stories", I showed signs of psychosis. So, five or ten years from now, when my mental illness has matured, I will become a mental patient and I will live according to Section 10.6 "Principles of Treatment of Mental Illness". This is how Troupe Leader Liu decided my fate.


In other words,, mental illness is Mutant Fruit (cf. 11.6.1 Mutant Fruit), and henceforth, five or ten years later, when the Mutant Fruit of my mental illness has ripened, it falls into my own basket (i.e., I am mad) (see Fig. 8.10). The person in the picture is Mexico (also known as Tlaloc); this is how Huitzilopochtli decided the fate of Mexico 700 years ago (cf. Chapter 18).

↪️返回第八章的目录↪️Return to Contents of Chapter 8.

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