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15.2.4 四离系果 Four Off-is Fruits

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-27 23:17 已读 172 次  



回答: 15.2 小乘果 Small Vehicle Fruit 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 21:51

Deer Vehicle Buddhism can also be unfolded as Four Victorious Cruxes: Bitter Crux is the chapter 13; Aggregate Crux is chapter 14; Path Crux is the 37 Branch Laws of Path in section 16.4; and the Salvation Crux is Four Off-is Fruits. The Four Off-is Fruits are a lot of content also, this article only briefly talks about it. The verb “is”, means bind, tethering life, annoyance (cf. section 14.2.1). Off-is means emancipation, transcending life. Off-is Fruit means liberated state, being saved (see fig. 15.2.4-35, 37; cf. 11.6.4 Off-is Fruit).

一)入流果,梵语为须陀洹,是入圣道流义,即加入了圣人的行列。入流果是小乘佛教的见道位,要求修道人懂得四圣谛。其中必须懂得“我” (参见11.节的转移身见)和“法”。佛教中,无意识是法识,是神识,所以懂得法意思是懂得上帝。
1) Entering Stream Fruit, Sanskrit is Sotapanna, which means entering the stream of the holy path, that is, joining the ranks of sages. Entering Stream Fruit is position of seeing path in Deer Vehicle, requires understanding the four Victorious Cruxes. Among them, one must understand "I" (“I” means Seth, cf. Section Translocation Body View) and Law (cf. section 11.1). In Buddhism, unconsciousness is law-sense, is God-sense, so understanding law means understanding God.

2) One Coming Fruit, Sanskrit is Sakadagami. After seeing path, the 112 positions fundamental View Muddles (cf. section 14.3.2) are broken off, but the 81 grades Mean Muddles are still there. One Coming Fruit sage has eliminated the first six of the nine grades of Mean muddles in the Desire Boundary. The upper three grades are still there, so he or she must come back to rebirth in the Desire Boundary once more, hence the name of One Coming.

3) No Return Fruit, the Sanskrit word Anagami, means that after the second fruit sage comes back Desire Boundary, severs the three upper grades Mean Muddles, and will never return to the Desire Boundary to be reborn, hence the name No Return. Where have he or she gone? After ascending to sky, he or she lived in the Five Immaculate Dwell Skies, aka. Five No Return Skies (in the Fourth Meditation, shown in fig. 15.2.4-5; cf. section 13.2.4).

Illustration 33 is the Nahuatl hieroglyph "Middle Earth", and the three prickly pears symbolize the three Sage Fruits mentioned above. In Illustration 38, Mexico illustrates the first three fruits. 38-A shows that all the three are forbidden fruits, and that if you fetch them, you will cause loss to yourself, wherein? Because the fruits are None-as Laws (cf. section 11.6.4) and correspond only to Renunciative Acceptance, which is contrary to the nature of fetch, aggregate, have, and gain.

The turquoise stone at the bottom of Figure 36-B represents Huitzilopochtli, so shows that the three Off-is Fruits created by Huitzilopochtli are called Mexico. Figure 38-C shows that if the creator of the religion has hindrances such as greed, irritation, and ignorance, then their Off-is Fruits are spiritual poisons. Who are the authors of the Four Shaman Fruits? Famously, Seven-Color Deer Buddha Actaeon and Buddha Mother Diana were the original authors of the Four Shaman Fruits, with Actaeon doing the frame and Diana doing the fine cutting and weaving work.

4) Ararat Fruit means that the third fruit sage has eradicated all the Mean Muddles in Color Boundary and Colorless Boundary and ousted all inferior seeds of birth and death, testified, and gained the Three Lights, achieved Mount Ararat. As shown in Figure 35 and 36, the Mount Mexico is an Arahant Fruit.

罗汉果亦有杀贼、应供,金刚山、罗汉山等异名。杀贼的贼字义为14.3.3 节《思惑》所讲述的思惑,因为他们偷取上帝的安静法财,故名贼。应供义为罗汉果圣人为人类文明做出了杰出的贡献,世间人应当供养。罗汉山是金刚罗汉义,山字义为金刚山。
Ararat Fruit also has synonyms such as Thief Slayer, Should Be Commonwealth-ed With, Philosopher-Stone Mountain, Mount Ararat. The word Thief here means the Mean Muddles in section 14.3.3 because they steal God's asset of quietness, hence name thief. The “Should Be Commonwealth-ed with” means that Ararat has made outstanding contributions to human civilization, it is the righteousness to commonwealth with for all mortals, so can nurture it to live and grow for thousands of years to come. The word Mountain here means Philosopher-Stone Mountain.

Chapter 13 "Bitter Crux" talks about Mount Sumeru, the godson of Allah, because Chinese Buddhism mainly comes from Arab countries in the Middle East, most Chinese Buddhist scriptures use the term Mount Sumeru. Readers should know that Mount Sumeru, Mount Ararat, and Mount Mexico are synonymous, all are Ararat Fruit Sages. Three Mountains Five Fathers in Law, then who are the five? The five fathers in law are Thor (see section 15.3), Zeus (see Section 15.2), Allah (see Section 4.4), Huitzilopochtli (see Chapter 18), and Troupe Leader Liu (see Chapters 1 to 10).

An Arhat possesses three lights: Light of Fate Through, Light of Celestial Eye Through, and Light of Leakage End. Fate Through is explained in chapter 10 of the book. Here, Celestial Eye is the collective name for the five eyes: Flesh Eye Through (see chapter 1 to 3), Celestial Eye Through (see chapter 12), Gnostic Eye Through (Chapter 16), Juristic Eye Through (Chapter 11), and God’s Eye Through (Chapter 18). Light of Leakage End, that’s the content of this Chapter 15 Salvation Crux. Leakage means that greed, irritation, and ignorance etc. annoyances are attached to the heart, sub-drain the stream of heart-senses. Leakage End means all annoyances are terminated, has been saved, resides in nirvana (i.e. quietness, see fig. 15.2.4-2 No Objectively Have Sky).

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