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15.2 小乘果 Small Vehicle Fruit

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-27 21:51 已读 385 次  



回答: 📖15 灭谛 Salvation Crux 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:09

15.2 鹿乘教的目录 Content of Deer Vehicle Religion; 序言 Preface; 15.2.1 世界之脐 Navel of the World; 15.2.2 潘多拉的魔盒 Pandora's Box; 15.2.3 天选之子 The Chosen One; 15.2.4 处女怀孕 Virgin Pregnancy; 15.2.5 希腊的圣诞 Christmas of Greece; 15.2.6 四沙门果 Four Shamanic Fruits.

序言 Preface

Combining Greek (as in Figures 15.2-35 to 41), Chinese (Fig. 42), and Mexican (figs. 43 to 46) legends, the Deer Vehicle Religion was created by Zeus. Illustration 42 shows the legend in Chinese culture that the Seven-Color Deer Buddha (Gold Boy, Apollo) is commonwealth-ing “Spiritual Knowledge” to the “North Pole Godfather in Law (Zues)”. So, how did Zeus capture the Seven-Color Deer Buddha?

Illustrations 44, 45, and 46 are paintings by Mexico (Gold Boy, Tlaloc) of himself and Chalchiuhtlicue (Jade Girl) on their wedding night (c. 1325 CE.). Mexico is shown with a deer hat indicating that he is the reincarnation of the Seven-Color Deer Buddha. Figure 43 shows that the reason he married Chalchiuhtlicue is because he was shot by the goddess Chalchiuhtlicue. Being shot by a goddess, the wound would not heal by itself, leaving Mexico with only two choices, death or surrender; so, Mexico surrendered to Huitzilopochtli (Sun God, father of Chalchiuhtlicue) and married Chalchiuhtlicue. This explains how Zeus became the father-in-law of the Seven-Color Deer Buddha; it was his daughter Artemis (fig. 39, Jade Girl) who shot Actaeon (fig. 38, Seven-Color Deer, Gold Boy), so the two deer pulling the sleigh for Zeus in figure 35 are his daughter Athena and son-in-law Apollo. The three of them form the Trinity of God and the Deer Vehicle Religion.

15.2.0-2 人物介绍 Introduction to the Characters

Jade Girl, known as Eve and the Three Graces in Europeans. In the Deer Vehicle teachings, she is named Artemis (see fig. 39) before she met Actaeon. After she met Actaeon, she became Aphrodite (fig. 40). At about 38.7 years old, she married Hephaestus, became Athena (fig. 37), the Buddha Mother, and the mother of all livings.

金童,欧洲人称作亚当。在鹿乘教法中,三岁之前的金童名作阿波罗。三岁至他遇到了阿特迷媤(Artemis)名作阿克坦(图38)。当他遇到了阿特迷媤,成为了瘸子,他瘸腿的阶段名字是赫菲托斯(Hephaestus, 图41)。约在38.7岁,和阿弗戴娣(Aphrodite)结婚后成为了阿波罗(Apollo,图36),又作七色鹿佛,希腊。
Gold Boy, is called Adam by Europeans, is called Apollo in the Deer Vehicle teachings before the age of three. From the age of three until he met Artemis is called Actaeon (fig. 38). After he crippled by Artemis, became Hephaestus (fig. 41). At about 38.7 years of age, after his marriage to Aphrodite, he became Apollo (fig. 36), also known as Seven-Color Deer Buddha, Greece.

金童与玉女的关系和亚当识(即无意识的污染部分)与夏娃识(即前意识)的关系类似,是具有依,互生的关系(如图45,46)。人格化之后,亚当和夏娃具有十种关系。亚当是夏娃的父亲,兄弟,丈夫,儿子,和二人三足;而夏娃是亚当的母亲,姐妹,妻子,女儿,和二人三足。二人三足,在本文中是说宙斯在金童和玉女的幼年就给他们订婚了,而且宙斯一生都致力于把他们俩捆绑成为夫妻。其中名字的变化是根据异生性(即个体性,即个体的烦恼和所知)的变化而改变的。所以,宙斯对赫菲托斯(Hephaestus)说的最后一句话,即 "只要你原谅你的母亲,我就答应你的任何要求",含有开玩笑的成分,其本意是:"只要你原谅我的女儿(即阿弗戴娣,维纳斯)并娶她为妻,我的所有财产都给你作为补偿"。
The relationship between the gold boy and the jade girl is like the relationship between Adam-sense (i.e., the contaminated part of the unconscious) and Eve-sense (i.e., the preconscious), is mutual dependent and mutual birth (as shown in figs. 45, 46). After personification, Adam and Eve have ten relationships. Adam is Eve's father, brother, husband, son, and two-person with three feet; and Eve is Adam's mother, sister, wife, daughter, and two-person with three feet. The two-person with three feet relationship, in this text, means that Zeus betrothed the gold boy and the jade girl at an early age, and that Zeus devoted his life to binding the two of them as husband and wife. Wherein the name changes according to the change in Mutant Nature (i.e., individuality, i.e., the sum of individual's annoyances and knows). Therefore, in the last words of Zeus to Hephaestus, which say, "I grant you anything you ask, if you will forgive your mother," there is an element of jest in the words, which were intended to mean, "All my possessions are given to you as an indemnity, if you will forgive my daughter (i.e., Aphrodite, Venus) and marry her."

Then why is Athena still a virgin? Because sexual desire only exists in the desire boundary (fig. 23). In the color boundary and the colorless boundary, the goddess Athena and the sun god Apollo have no desires, no difference between men and women, and naturally no husband-wife relationship.

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15.2.4 处女怀孕 Virgin Pregnancy - Adam_Luyan (10664 bytes) 04/27/24
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15.2.6 四沙门果 Four Shamanic Fruits - Adam_Luyan (9337 bytes) 04/27/24

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