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7.1 调查核实 Verification

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-05 23:33 已读 670 次  



回答: 📖7 东北大学 Northeastern University 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-04 13:47

A few days later, Teacher Huang came to me again to verify his investigation. He first verified the situation of my parents, siblings, and then said that he went to the Liaoning Branch of Northeastern University and talked with several teachers and found nothing special.
Teacher Huang said: "The next question is, how did you find the job at the Heping Housekeeping Bureau?"

I answered as described in the previous section 5.6, Special New Policies. He said that a friend of his who worked in city called the Heping District Government, and the person who answered the phone was the Personnel Section Chief Bai, a woman. Chief Bai said: "Luyan, I remember, the summer before last, a kid came here looking for a job with a smile on his face. I saw that the kid was quite nice, so I received him. Eh! He opened his mouth to fool me! I'm the head of the personnel section, what new policies of the municipal government, that I do not know!"
Teacher Huang asked me: "At that time, how did you fool her?"

I was surprised that Section Chief Bai still remembered me and replied: "I didn't lie to her! I mentioned what happened in Section 5.6 above."
Teacher Huang said: "The section chief Bai said that I thought this kid was very good, so I introduced him to our Heping Housekeeping Bureau."

Teacher Huang's friend asked: "Luyan fooled her, but she thought he was good; what's going on?"
Teacher Huang replied: "That's how people are nowadays! You have an opinion? When you go out to do errands and find a topic to talk about, Section Chief Bai will appreciate Luyan's lies! She thinks he has a strategy in doing things."
I muttered: "I don't have that kind of mind! I'm not as smart as you think."

7.1-2 工作表现 Work Performance

Teacher Huang added: "This item talks about your work performance in Heping Housekeeping Bureau. This time, my friend from the city government carefully verified the person to be asked, so as not to get the wrong person. Your HR chief XXX said: Yes, this is Luyan. He said: Our Heping Housekeeping Bureau used to be a quiet place, but since he came, our place has become lively. People are talking about him everywhere, and there are always new things happening. He said: Everywhere People in the Bureau say Luyan is good, and if we hear it that way, it means he is good. XXX also gave examples, (as mentioned in Section 6.2 Good Work Performance)."

Teacher Huang asked me: "How do you feel about your work performance?"
I replied: "Just so! Average!"

Teacher Huang and his helper friends both objected, identifying each case as being too good, and asked again: How do you do so well?
I replied: "I haven't done anything serious; let alone done it well!"

Teacher Huang's helper said in surprise: "This is strange! Everything shows that he has done a good job, but he doesn't feel it himself! Are these things true or false?"
I replied, "It's true, but I'm not happy with how I feel!"

Teacher Huang's friend said: "Another path! Fool or concealment!"
Teacher Huang said: "Don't say it's useless. Others say it's good. How could you come to a stupid conclusion? It should be said that the orientation of ideals or interests is different, and personal appreciation and pursuit are different."

7.1-3 打架的事 The Fight

Teacher Huang said: "The next question is about your fight. This time, I gave special instructions not to make a mistake! They double-checked you and said, There's no mistaking it, it's this Luyan. Since he came, we always hear about his fights. The women in our bureau have been talking about it, trying to find ways to trap him, and the Bureau Chiefs have been helping with ideas, but that Luyan just won't take the bait. The more these women worked, the more they got excited. I don't know what happened, once, it hit the big score, the Heping District government to mediate their dispute. Luyan! Do you know the affair?"

I replied: "I only knew about it when you told me. I know there were many times when many people discussed ways to tease me. I don't remember ever getting into a fight. I never fought with anyone at the Heping Housekeeping Bureau, and I don't remember the Heping District Government interfering with me."
Teacher Huang's friend asked, "How did they set you up?"

I replied: "They were like teasers, teasing me, making fun for the crowd. I'm not always interested in that kind of affairs, that kind of topic."
Teacher Huang stared at me with wide eyes: "Wasn’t there such a affair as the Heping District government mediating your fight?"

I replied: "I don't think I love to fight, and I've never fought with anyone in the Heping Housekeeping Bureau; I don't remember when the Heping District Government mediated a fight for me."

7.1-4 假档案 Fake Files

Teacher Huang said: "The next item is the Graduate School of Northeastern University. I went to the archives of Northeastern University and looked at your file, and it was a fake one. How did you put there a fake file? Of course, I'm making an introduction, a private matter, not a public matter."

I replied: " Heping Housekeeping Bureau does not agree to my graduate studies and does not give me my file. Wang Gang my cousin asked them for it, and they wouldn't give it; so, she got a fake file and put it there. She said, 'No one else went to see the file except for the people in their graduate management office'."
Teacher Huang asked: "Where did she get that fake file?"

I replied: "I don't know, I didn't ask her."
Teacher Huang was surprised and said: "How can you not know this!"

I replied: "I do not think right now what I need to know about that."
His friend asked: "What will happen if this fake file thing is exposed?"

Teacher Huang said: "People don't pay much attention to personal files nowadays, but the file mechanism is still an effective part of the state organization. If this fake file thing is exposed, it's still a public matter, Luyan must go back to the Heping Housekeeping Bureau, and his postgraduate work will all be for nothing. Luyan! Your secret is safe with us; we will never do that kind of unethical thing."

Teacher Huang said, "I went to the office of your Resource Civil Engineering Department (or Institute); they have a bit of a problem with you, don’t you know?"
I replied, "I don't know, no one would notice me, right!?"

Teacher Huang said, "Everyone of them knows you (Note 4); we know the reason for your problem."
I was dumbfounded and at a loss for words.

Note 7.1-4. At that time, I was discussed in the Resource Civil Engineering Department (or Institute) of Northeastern University because of many investigations by Teacher Huang and Troupe Leader Liu.

7.1-5 我对此调查耿耿于怀 I Worried the Investigation

Puzzled by such a detailed investigation, I asked my brother. At that time, he was a pilot of the East Tower Transportation Group of the Shenyang Military Region.

He replied that the subordinates would introduce someone to the old leader's child; of course, the old leader must ask, which university did he graduate from? How is his job performance? This is not only true in the army, but also in society! The depth of this investigation varies from person to person. Maybe the teacher Huang you mentioned is serious about his work, so the investigation was more in-depth.
I think what my brother said makes sense.

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贴主:Adam_Luyan于2024_03_31 17:01:43编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_03_31 17:03:20编辑

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