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送交者: 学习不是很好[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2023-08-04 9:20 已读 55992 次  



回答: 下面这首是除了Nothing Compares 2U之外我最喜欢的她的《反叛歌曲》 由 学习不是很好 于 2023-08-04 8:48

看她的表情变化,一个纤瘦小姑娘,面对的现场观众的侮辱反对,勇敢的吼出渴望世界和平人类平等的声音 War - 战争————原曲演唱者是Reggae歌手Bob Marley,当然后者是嬉皮风格的轻松嘲讽,而Sinead 则是无所畏惧的斗士。

当时正值天主教恋童丑闻爆发,作为爱尔兰保守天主教社会长大的叛逆第二代Sinead O'Connor 大胆在电视直播演出中向黑暗的宗教邪恶势力开炮,怒吼出 Fight the real enemy!然后坦然的撕毁了一张当时的教皇约翰保禄二世的肖像照片。这当然引发了大量笃信宗教的美国观众的愤怒情绪,因此有了次日她在纽约麦迪逊花园广场Bob Dylan演唱会上客串表演时的受辱场面。

A song from bob marley which sinead
Did sing during the well known
'pope-incident' in saterday night live
And a few days later during the
Bob dylan tribute concert.


Until the philosophy,
Which holds one race superior
And another inferior,
Is finally and permanently
Discredited and abandoned,
Everywhere is war.

Until there is no longer first class
Or second class citizens of any nation.
Until the color of a man skin,
Is of no more significance then
The color of his eyes,
I e got to say 'war'.

That until the basic human rights,
Are equally guaranteed to all,
Without regard to race,
I l say 'war'

Until that day the dream of lasting peace,
World-citizenship and the rule of
International morality will remain
Just a fleeting illusion to be pursued,
But never obtained.
Find more lyrics at ※ Mojim.com
And everywhere is war.

Until the ignoble and unhappy regime
Which holds all of us through,
Child-abuse, yeah, child-abuse yeah,
Sub-human bondage has been toppled,
Utterly destroyed,
Everywhere is war.

War in the east,
War in the west,
War up north,
War down south,
There is war,
And the rumors of war.

Until that day,
There is no continent,
Which will know peace.

Children, children.


We find it necessary.
We know we will win.
We have confidence in the victory
Of good over evil

Fight the real enemy !
喜欢学习不是很好朋友的这个贴子的话, 请点这里投票,“赞”助支持!


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