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送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-05-09 12:56 已读 24523 次 1赞  


问问顾问:我应该在哪里存放短期储蓄?96普雷斯顿樱桃,CFP®太平洋夏令时间 2023 年 5 月 8 日星期一早上 6:07普雷斯顿樱桃博士普雷斯顿樱桃博士我手头有 300,000 美元的现金,我打算将其投入新家。 鉴于市场现状,我将购买推迟六到九个月。 我今年 66 岁,单身,计划在未来 12 个月内退休。 在购买之前我应该如何处理现金?
这些因素将决定您将现金存放在哪里。 最终,了解您的独特需求和偏好,特别是您的目标,将使您的决定变得冷静和清晰。 您可以使用此工具与可能满足您需求的财务顾问进行匹配。
术语和类型。 短期投资和储蓄应在 3 至 12 个月(或更短)内轻松转换为现金,而不会损失本金价值。 他们可能有机会获得少量无风险收益。
风险。 您希望资金保留本金的价值或获得无风险的回报。
是的,在各种投资机会中都有获得短期收益的机会。 但如果你必须为这些收益承担风险,你可能会吸收突然损失的冲击。 鉴于您的时间范围很短,最好避免不必要的风险。
使用权。 易于访问有助于您做出存储决策。 短期事件需要流动性和权宜之计。 清算并将现金转移到您的目标应该不会超过几天。 灵活的访问需要灵活的金融机构位置。
目标。 为您的资金指定一个目标是一个重要因素。 目标始于一系列功能性和情感性问题。 这些可能包括:
银行和信用合作社有几个优势。 FDIC 保险涵盖每人、每家银行和账户所有权 250,000 美元的银行存款。 根据账户所有权,您可以在一家银行拥有超过 250,000 美元的保险。
信用合作社通过国家信用合作社协会为每位存款人提供 250,000 美元的保险。 此处提供 FDIC 概述和计算器。 NCUA 计算器在这里。
如果您的资金太高而无法满足一家机构的 FDIC 保险范围,您可以将存款金额分散到多家机构。 然而,该策略增加了一层个人管理的复杂性。
保险并不是银行和信用合作社提供的唯一福利。 银行和信用合作社提供流动性和准入。
现金不需要清算。 现金是存入储蓄账户的现金,它提供了最快的获取方式、流动性和可转移性。 银行和信用合作社倾向于提供具有电子功能的强大在线平台。 经纪选项将给予相同。
较大的银行和信用合作社提供多服务平台,使客户能够有效地使用他们的资金并获得跨部门的专业知识,例如抵押贷款、贷款、经纪、信托和银行业务。 如果您认为您在短期内需要这些服务中的任何一项,银行和信用合作社可能看起来更有吸引力。
一个潜在的缺点是您的资金利率低。 然而,一些信誉良好且有保险的网上银行平台提供有吸引力的储蓄账户利率。
经纪货币市场共同基金账户。 您投资机构的经纪货币市场提供流动性。 您的现金与其他储户的共同基金现金组合在一起,这些共同基金投资于短期政府证券,这些证券支付扣除费用后的利率,类似于储蓄账户。
经纪货币市场账户没有保险,受证券交易委员会 (SEC) 监管。 经纪货币市场的另一个普遍优势是它们的流动性和准入。 现金可在次日存入您的账户,并且可以轻松地通过电子方式转账至外部账户。
经纪股票市场。 股市给予和索取。 市场要“给”收益,投资者就必须“给”市场时间。 这与“把握”市场时机不同。 这指的是“进入”市场的时间。

对于短期目标,市场可能不是你最好的选择。 时间范围可能会迅速“度过”市场震荡,此时您的本金价值会急剧下降。
国债 I 债券。 美国人正在经历通货膨胀时期,并感受到他们的购物车、油箱、钱包和生活方式的价格上涨。 一个好处是 Treasury I Bonds,它根据城市消费者价格指数 (CPI-U) 的变化调整利率支付。
当通货膨胀率很高时,I Bonds 的利率反映出增加并且具有吸引力。 目前的利率约为 9.62%,远高于银行、信用合作社或经纪公司的任何储蓄账户利率。
有一些警告。 您必须在 Treasurydirect.gov 上直接从政府购买,您每年最多可以购买 10,000 美元(如果使用退税付款,则可额外获得 5,000 美元的津贴)并且您必须持有债券 12 个月。
这些限制不符合期限少于 12 个月、价值超过 10,000 美元并且需要流动性和易于用户访问的短期目标。 当一个人在应急基金之外有 10,000 美元、一个短期目标和空闲时间来削减支付的通货膨胀利息时,I 债券最有用。
底线是您的需求是本金保全、低风险能力和在 12 个月内进行大量购买的能力。 您还需要具有流动性、可获取和可转移的资金。
您的次要目标是赚取利息和获得保险保障。 如果您的资金超过 FDIC 保险限额,您可以考虑在主要机构之外的在线银行或信用合作社。
如果您有关于您的投资和退休情况的具体问题,财务顾问可以提供帮助。 寻找合格的财务顾问并不难。 SmartAsset 的免费工具可为您匹配最多三位为您所在地区服务的财务顾问,您可以免费与您的顾问进行面谈,以决定哪一位最适合您。 如果您准备好寻找可以帮助您实现财务目标的顾问,请立即开始。
一种类型的 FDIC 保险账户是存款证明。 查看我们的全国最佳 CD 费率列表。

Ask An Advisor: Where Should I Stash Short-Term Savings?


Preston Cherry, CFP®

Mon, May 8, 2023 at 6:07 AM PDT

I’m holding $300,000 in cash that I plan to put into a new home. With the market as it is, I’m putting off that purchase for six to nine months. I’m 66 years old, single and plan to retire within the next 12 months. What should I do with the cash until I purchase?

When it comes to determining where to house your short-term savings, factors to consider include risk, access, goals and what will give you peace of mind.

These factors are going to determine where you store your cash. And ultimately, understanding your unique needs and preferences, specifically your goals, will bring calm and clarity to your decision. You can use this tool to get matched with a financial advisor who might meet your needs.

How to Evaluate Short-Term Savings Vehicles

Consider where to house your short-term savings.

There are several factors to consider when eyeing short-term funds.

Term and type. Short-term investment and savings should be easily converted to cash within three to 12 months (or less) without losing principal value. They may have the opportunity for a small risk-free gain.

Risk. You want funds to retain the value of principal or earn a risk-free return.

Yes, there is an opportunity for short-term gains across various investment opportunities. But if you must assume risk for these gains, you may absorb the shock of sudden loss. Given your short time horizon, it is best to avoid unnecessary risk.

Access. Ease of access contributes to your storage decision. Short-term events require liquidity and expediency. It shouldn’t take more than a few days to liquidate and transfer cash to your goal. Nimble access requires a flexible financial institution location.

If you’re ready to be matched with local advisors that can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

Goal. Assigning a goal to your funds is an essential factor. A goal begins with a series of functional and emotional questions. These may include these:

What are these funds for?

What event, experience or expense am I preparing for?

What positive outcome do I want to experience?

The answers to these questions will bring a sense of serenity to your process and decision.

What Are Your Options for Short-Term Savings?

Consider these accounts for storing your short-term savings.

Banks and credit unions.

Banks and credit unions have several advantages. FDIC insurance covers $250,000 of bank deposits per individual, per bank and account ownership. Depending on the account ownership, you can have more than $250,000 of coverage at one bank.

Credit unions insure $250,000 per depositor through the National Credit Union Association. An FDIC overview and calculator are available here. An NCUA calculator is here.

You can spread the deposit amounts across multiple institutions if your funds are too high to meet the FDIC insurance range at one institution. That strategy, however, adds a layer of personal management complexity.

Insurance is not the only benefit banks and credit unions offer. Banks and credit unions offer liquidity and access.

Cash does not require liquidation. Cash is cash when held in a savings account, which provides the quickest form of access, liquidity and transferability. Banks and credit unions tend to offer robust online platforms with electronic capabilities. Brokerage options will give the same.

Larger banks and credit unions offer multiservice platforms that allow clients to efficiently use their funds and access expertise across divisions such as mortgage, loans, brokerages, trusts and banking. If you think you’ll need any of these services during a short-term time horizon, banks and credit unions may look more appealing.

A potential drawback is low interest rates on your funds. Several reputable and insured online banking platforms, however, offer attractive savings account interest rates.

Brokerage money market mutual fund account. The brokerage money market at your investment institution offers liquidity. Your cash is grouped with other savers’ cash in mutual funds that invest in short-term government securities that pay interest rates net of fees, similar to savings accounts.

Brokerage money market accounts are not insured and are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Another general plus for brokerage money markets is their liquidity and access. Cash is available the next day in your account and is easily electronically transferable to external accounts.

Brokerage stock market. The stock market giveth and taketh. For the market to “give” gains, investors must “give” the market time. That’s not the same thing as “timing” the market. This refers to “time in” the market.

For short-term goals, the market may not be your best bet. The time horizon may “taketh” quickly through a market shock where your principal value dramatically declines.

Comparatively, if the invested funds are for a long-term goal, there is time in the market for a principal amount to recover and compound.

Treasury I Bonds. Americans are experiencing inflationary times and feeling the higher prices in their grocery carts, gas tanks, wallets and lifestyles. One upside is Treasury I Bonds, which adjust their interest rate payout to changes in the Consumer Price Index-Urban (CPI-U).

When the inflation rate is high, the interest rate on I Bonds reflects the increase and is attractive. The current rate is around 9.62%, much higher than any savings account rate at a bank, credit union or brokerage.

There are caveats. You must purchase directly from the government at Treasurydirect.gov, you can buy up to $10,000 annually (an allowance of an additional $5,000 if paying with a tax refund) and you must hold the bond for 12 months.

These limitations do not fit with short-term goals that have a horizon of fewer than 12 months, are more significant than $10,000, and require liquidity and ease of user access. I Bonds are most useful when a person has $10,000 outside of an emergency fund, a short-term goal and the spare time to clip the inflation interest paid.

What to Do Next

Consider your needs, then review the savings vehicles described above to determine which one best meets your criteria.

The bottom line is that your needs are principal preservation, low-risk capacity and the ability to make a large purchase within 12 months. You also need liquid, accessible and transferrable funds.

Your secondary goals are to earn interest and achieve insurance protection. You may consider an online bank or credit union outside your primary institution if your funds exceed the FDIC insurance limits.

Tips for Growing and Protecting Your Assets

If you have questions specific to your investing and retirement situation, a financial advisor can help. Finding a qualified financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three financial advisors who serve your area, and you can interview your advisor matches at no cost to decide which one is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

One type of FDIC-insured account is a certificate of deposit. Check out our list of the best CD rates in the country.

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