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送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-05-07 16:07 已读 480 次 2赞  


ChatGPT vs. 财务顾问:我们问了两个问题——我应该为退休存多少钱? 这是每个堆叠起来的方式。

更新时间:美国东部时间 2023 年 5 月 6 日上午 9:07




高盛 (Goldman Sachs) 最近的一项研究发现,像 ChatGPT 这样的人工智能工具可能很快就会影响全球多达 3 亿个全职工作岗位。 MARCO BERTORELLO/法新社/GETTY IMAGES

阅读这些天的头条新闻,人工智能 (AI)——尤其是 ChatGPT,一种创建内容的人工智能聊天机器人——无处不在。 ChatGPT 撰写文章、制作视频和图像并提供建议以回答您的问题。 尽管该平台可能还处于起步阶段,最近才于 2022 年 11 月推出,但高盛最近的一项研究表明,像 ChatGPT 这样的人工智能工具可能很快会影响全球多达 3 亿个全职工作岗位。

因此,MarketWatch Picks 决定将人与机器进行比较,并测试最新的科技现象的财务实力。 首先,我们首先询问该平台的最新版本 ChatGPT-4,这是美国人向其财务顾问提出的最常见问题之一:我应该为退休存多少钱? 然后我们请了一位财务顾问对其进行评论。 (正在寻找新的财务顾问?此工具可以为您匹配满足您需求的顾问。)

我应该为退休存多少钱? 人工智能和财务顾问权衡

ChatGPT-4 响应:

“您应该为退休储蓄的金额取决于多种因素,包括您的年龄、生活方式和退休目标。 以下是一些需要考虑的一般准则:

退休目标:首先,考虑您想要什么样的退休生活方式。 您打算广泛旅行、缩小房屋规模或兼职工作吗? 所有这些因素都会影响您需要储蓄的金额。

退休年龄:您计划退休的年龄也会影响您需要储蓄的金额。 如果你打算提早退休,你就需要存更多的钱来支付更长一段时间的生活费用。

社会保障:社会保障福利可以在退休期间提供一些收入,但可能不足以支付您的所有开支。 考虑您将获得多少社会保障福利并将其纳入您的退休储蓄计划。

当前储蓄:查看您当前的退休储蓄并估计您退休时将拥有多少。 如果您的储蓄落后,您可能需要更积极地储蓄才能赶上。

作为一般规则,财务顾问通常建议退休人员的目标应该是至少替换其退休前收入的 70% 至 80%。 这意味着,如果您目前每年赚取 100,000 美元,您的退休收入目标应该是每年 70,000 至 80,000 美元。 为实现这一目标,您可能需要在职业生涯中尽早开始每年将收入的 10% 至 15% 进行储蓄。

重要的是要记住,退休储蓄目标并不是放之四海而皆准的。 咨询财务顾问总是一个好主意,他可以帮助您根据您的个人情况和目标确定您的退休储蓄需求。” (正在寻找新的财务顾问?此工具可以为您匹配满足您需求的顾问。)

应该指出的是,ChatGPT 的大部分回应几乎直接来自 Bankrate、The Motley Fool 和 Investopedia 等地的关于该主题的各种报道,仅举几例。


答案是正确的,但对于那些真正想自己计算退休储蓄的人来说,也不是完全有帮助,宾夕法尼亚州伯温退休财富顾问公司的认证财务规划师尼古拉斯·布尼奥 (Nicholas Bunio) 说。

Bunio——近十年来一直是一名经过认证的财务顾问,并在宾夕法尼亚州立大学学习金融服务——他说,ChatGPT 未达到目标的主要领域是缺乏背景和包含各种关键因素的能力。 例如,在设定退休目标时,“部分目标可能是留下遗产、照顾孙辈、提前退休并开始咨询业务,”Bunio 说,列举了几种可能性。

考虑到该计划对理想退休年龄的反应,Bunio 说这也可以根据具体情况进行更改。 “如果有人生病,过去曾患过几次癌症,那么尽早退休可能是明智的,而不是计划活到 100 岁,而是活到 90 或 85 岁,”他说,并补充说“客户没有意识到 ,对一些人来说,计划活得更短更好。” 他说,另一个没有考虑的情况是“未婚的人不必担心在他或她去世时照顾配偶”,而且“健康的夫妻需要计划更长时间,比如 100 岁”,以及“生病的单身人士最多应该计划到 85 或 90 岁”。

布尼奥说,它在社会保障方面的建议也是如此。 “最大限度地提高社会保障并不意味着在 70 岁时领取。如果你打算活得更短,那么越早领取就越谨慎,”Bunio 解释说,并补充说,“如果你没有活到 70 岁,但 在 70 岁时,您并没有享受到同样多的收入,也没有获得同样多的收入,即使福利金额更高。 另外,视情况而定,从 62 岁开始可能更为谨慎,只是为了减少对投资的依赖。 如果某人有 500 万美元的储蓄,而只需要 200 万美元,那么社会保障不会对他们有太大帮助。 如果他们宁愿留下遗产,在 62 岁时开始社会保障并享受这笔钱。 这样一来,使用的投资就会减少,而继承人可能会得到更多投资。”

在规划自己的储蓄策略时,Bunio 再次表示人工智能的建议“太模糊了”。 虽然这可能是真的,但专业财务顾问可以提供独特帮助的部分是针对“如何确定”客户需要多少的实际定制策略。 “考虑到你退休后的收入来源——比如社会保障、养老金、兼职工作——并在 30 年的时间里每年根据通货膨胀对其进行调整,就可以确定在紧急情况发生之前的总支出可能是多少,”他说。 “获取您的资产并根据投资收益和损失进行调整,然后将该数字与您的支出进行比较可以显示还需要多少。 对于某些人来说,他们可能会减掉一万美元。 其他人可能有数十万。”

尽管 Chat GPT 承认退休人员应该期望将其退休前收入的 70% 到 80% 替换掉的“一般规则”,但 Bunio 说“这又太笼统了”,并且“其他人可能需要更少或更多。 在许多方面,大多数人在退休后的支出接近于他们现在的支出。 事实上,随着人们还清债务、旅行和尝试新事物,退休后头几年的支出通常会增加。 然后在他们 70 多岁和 80 多岁时会有所放缓”,并在客户“80 多岁时随着医疗费用开始增加而再次增加”。


如果您只是想寻求方向性建议或了解有关退休的更多信息,ChatGPT 可以满足您的需求——而且它使用简单且免费。 您还可以向它询问后续问题以获取更多详细信息。 也就是说,您需要确保它给您的建议是准确的,并且知道您可能需要更多细微差别才能准确规划退休。

这是财务顾问可以帮助您的事情,但缺点是它不是免费的。 (正在寻找新的财务顾问?此工具可以为您匹配满足您需求的顾问。)


ChatGPT vs. financial adviser: We asked both one question — how much should I have saved for retirement? Here’s how each stacked up.Updated: May 6, 2023 at 9:07 a.m. ET

Andrew Shilling




Can artificial intelligence help you with retirement planning?

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AI tools like ChatGPT could soon impact as many as 300 million full-time jobs worldwide, a recent Goldman Sachs study found.


Read the headlines these days, and artificial intelligence (AI) — and in particular ChatGPT, an AI chatbot that creates content — is all over the news. ChatGPT writes articles, makes videos and images and dishes out advice in answer to your questions. Although the platform may be in its infancy, only recently launching in November 2022, a recent Goldman Sachs study suggests AI tools like ChatGPT could soon impact as many as 300 million full-time jobs worldwide. 

So MarketWatch Picks decided to pit man versus machine and test the latest tech phenom’s financial prowess. To start, we began by asking the platform’s most updated version, ChatGPT-4, one of the most common questions Americans have for their financial advisers: How much should I have saved for retirement? And then we asked a financial adviser to critique it. (Looking for a new financial adviser? This tool can match you to an adviser who meets your needs.)


How much should I have saved for retirement? AI and a financial adviser weigh in

ChatGPT-4 response:

“The amount you should have saved for retirement depends on various factors, including your age, lifestyle, and retirement goals. Here are some general guidelines to consider:

Retirement goals: First, consider what type of retirement lifestyle you want. Do you plan to travel extensively, downsize your home, or work part-time? All of these factors will impact the amount you need to save.Retirement age: The age at which you plan to retire will also affect how much you need to save. If you plan to retire earlier, you will need to save more to cover your living expenses for a longer period of time.Social Security: Social Security benefits can provide some income during retirement, but they may not be enough to cover all of your expenses. Consider how much you will receive in Social Security benefits and factor that into your retirement savings plan.Current savings: Take a look at your current retirement savings and estimate how much you will have by the time you retire. If you are behind on savings, you may need to save more aggressively to catch up.

As a general rule, financial advisors often suggest that retirees should aim to replace at least 70% to 80% of their pre-retirement income. This means if you currently make $100,000 per year, you should aim to have $70,000 to $80,000 per year in retirement income. To achieve this, you may need to save between 10% and 15% of your income annually starting as early as possible in your career.

It’s important to remember that retirement savings goals are not one-size-fits-all. It’s always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor who can help you determine your retirement savings needs based on your individual circumstances and goals.” (Looking for a new financial adviser? This tool can match you to an adviser who meets your needs.)

It should be noted that much of this response from ChatGPT was nearly directly pulled from various stories on the topic from places like Bankrate, The Motley Fool and Investopedia, to name a few.

Response from a human financial adviser:

The answer is correct, but also not entirely helpful to someone actually trying to figure out retirement savings themselves, says Nicholas Bunio, a certified financial planner with Retirement Wealth Advisors in Berwyn, Pennsylvania. 

Bunio — who has been an accredited financial advisor for nearly a decade and studied financial services at Penn State — says the main area where ChatGPT misses the mark is with its lack of context and ability to include various key factors. When it comes to setting retirement objectives, for instance, “part of the goal could be to leave an inheritance, take care of grandkids, retire early and start a consulting business,” Bunio says, to name a few possibilities. 

Considering the program’s response on the ideal retirement age, Bunio says that too can change on a case-by-case basis. “If someone is sickly, had a few bouts of cancer in the past, it might be prudent to retire sooner and not plan on living to 100, but to 90 or 85,” he says, adding that “clients don’t realize that, for some, planning on living shorter is better.” Another case not taken into account, he says, is that “someone not married won’t have to worry about taking care of a spouse when he or she passes away,” and that “couples who are healthy need to plan longer, like to age 100,” and that “single people who are sickly should plan to 85 or 90, at most.”

It’s the same case with its advice on Social Security, Bunio says. “Maximizing Social Security doesn’t mean take it at 70. If you are planning on living a shorter amount of time, then taking it sooner is more prudent,” Bunio explains, adding that “if you don’t live as long but take it at 70, you didn’t enjoy it as much or earn as much, even with a higher benefit amount. Plus, depending on the situation, it could be more prudent to start at 62, simply to rely less on your investments. If someone has $5 million saved, and only needed $2 million, Social Security isn’t going to help them much. And if they rather leave an inheritance, start Social Security at 62 and enjoy that money. That way less investments are used, with potentially more going to heirs.”

When it comes to planning out your own savings strategy, Bunio again says the suggestion from AI is “just too vague.” And while it may be true, the part where a professional financial adviser can be uniquely helpful is for actual tailored strategies for “how to determine” how much a client needs. “Taking your income sources in retirement — like Social Security, pension, part-time work — and adjusting it for inflation each year over 30 years, determines how much total spending might be, before emergencies,” he says. “Taking your assets and adjusting for investment gains and losses then comparing that number to your expenses can show just how much more is needed.  For some, they might be ten thousand dollars off.  Others could be hundreds of thousands.”

Although Chat GPT acknowledges the “general rule” that retirees should expect to replace 70% to 80% of their pre-retirement income, Bunio says “again it is too general,” and that “others might need far less or much more. In many ways, most people spend close to what they are spending now in retirement. In fact, spending usually increases in the first few years of retirement as people pay off debt, travel a bit, and try new things.  Then it slows a bit in their late 70s and 80s,” and increases again in a client’s “late 80s as healthcare costs start to add up.”

The verdict

If you’re looking simply for directional advice or to learn more about retirement, ChatGPT can deliver — and it’s simple to use and free. You can also ask it follow-up questions for more detail. That said, you will want to make sure the advice it gives you is accurate, and know that you may need more nuance to accurately plan for retirement.

That’s something a financial adviser can help you with, but the downside there is that it’s not free. (Looking for a new financial adviser? This tool can match you to an adviser who meets your needs.)

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