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历史上世界上最大的人员伤亡都发生在中国,是真的吗? 你能列出所有这些吗?

送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-04-03 12:13 已读 17047 次 6赞  



历史上世界上最大的人员伤亡都发生在中国,是真的吗? 你能列出所有这些吗?

诚然,世界历史上一些最大规模的人员伤亡事件发生在中国。 以下是一些主要实例:

三国战争(公元 220-280 年):这是一段激烈的战争和政治动荡时期,估计造成 3600 万人死亡。

安禄山叛乱(公元 755-763 年):安禄山将军领导的反唐叛乱,估计造成 3600 万人死亡。

蒙古征服(公元 1206-1337 年):在成吉思汗及其继任者等人物的领导下,蒙古帝国征服了欧亚大陆的大部分地区,估计造成 4000 万人死亡。

太平天国起义(公元 1850-1864 年):洪秀全领导的反清朝叛乱,估计有 20-3000 万人死亡。

第二次中日战争(公元 1937-1945 年):中国和日本之间的一场冲突,估计造成 20-30 百万人死亡,包括军人和平民伤亡。



中国内战从 1927 年持续到 1949 年,是中国国民党和中国共产党之间的一场重大冲突,最终导致了中共的胜利和中华人民共和国的成立 . 这一时期,军事交战和政治斗争多次发生,冲突造成大量人员伤亡。

据估计,中国内战期间死亡总人数在250万至1000万人之间,其中既有军人伤亡,也有平民伤亡。 由于难以准确计算死亡人数,以及冲突发生在很长一段时间内并发生在许多不同地点,因此估计数有所不同。



文化大革命从1966年持续到1976年,是中国共产党领导人毛泽东发动的中国政治动荡和社会动荡时期。 在此期间,毛泽东呼吁进行一场文化和意识形态革命,旨在清除中国社会中被视为“资产阶级”或“反动”的分子。

文化大革命导致广泛的暴力、迫害和侵犯人权行为,造成大量人员伤亡。 很难确定这一时期的确切死亡人数,但估计从数十万人到数百万人不等。

文化大革命的暴力和迫害影响了广泛的人群,包括知识分子、艺术家、持不同政见者以及少数民族和宗教的成员。 许多人受到公开羞辱、监禁、酷刑和处决,而其他人则被迫逃离该国或躲藏起来。

虽然文化大革命期间伤亡的确切数字尚不确定,但很明显,这一时期对中国社会和政治产生了重大而持久的影响。 这一时期的创伤和动荡在今天的中国继续存在,文化大革命的遗留问题在中国政治和社会中仍然是一个有争议和敏感的话题。



中国于 1979 年实施并于 2015 年结束的独生子女政策限制了大多数夫妇只能生育一个孩子,以控制人口增长。 该政策通过各种措施得到严格执行,包括罚款、强制堕胎和绝育。

一孩政策直接造成的死亡人数难以统计。 然而,有据可查的是,该政策导致了强制堕胎和绝育,特别是在已经生育一个孩子或母亲被认为超过允许生育年龄的情况下。 这些做法导致受影响的人大量死亡、受伤和心理创伤。

根据中国卫生部 2013 年的一份报告,1971 年至 2010 年期间,中国实施了 3.36 亿例堕胎和 1.96 亿例绝育手术。需要注意的是,并非所有这些程序都与独生子女政策直接相关 ,有些可能是出于其他原因(例如医疗需要)而进行的。 然而,这一政策是导致这一时期中国堕胎和绝育人数居高不下的主要因素。

虽然很难确定独生子女政策导致的确切死亡人数,但很明显,该政策对中国的生殖权利和健康产生了重大影响,并因其侵犯人权和对中国的负面影响而受到批评。 性别平等。


中国大饥荒,也称为中国三年大饥荒,是毛泽东领导期间从 1959 年持续到 1961 年的中国大规模饥荒和死亡时期。 饥荒期间死亡的确切人数很难确定,但据估计,有 1500 万至 4500 万人死于饥饿、疾病和其他相关原因。

造成饥荒的原因复杂多方面,既有水旱等自然灾害,也有集体化、农业生产相关政策等人为因素。 中国政府通过集体化、工业化和其他政策增加农业生产的努力导致农业部门受到严重破坏,从而加剧了饥荒的严重程度。

饥荒期间,粮食普遍短缺,许多人以吃树皮、青草甚至人肉等非食物为生。 饥荒对中国社会和政治产生了重大影响,并导致政府与农业和粮食生产相关的政策发生变化。



中国大饥荒是一个复杂的事件,涉及自然因素和人为因素。 虽然洪水和干旱等自然灾害在饥荒中发挥了作用,但主要是由与农业和粮食生产相关的政府政策造成的。

20世纪50年代末和60年代初,在毛泽东的领导下,中国政府实施了一系列旨在增加农业生产和促进工业化的政策。 这些政策包括农业集体化,这涉及将个体农场合并为政府经营的大型公社,以及促进钢铁生产,这将资源从农业中转移出去。

与集体化和工业化相关的政策导致农业部门受到严重破坏,包括没收农民的粮食和其他农作物,以及土地被迫集体化。 这些政策导致了农业部门的粮食短缺和其他挑战,进而导致了严重的饥荒。


world largest human casualties all occurred in china from long history, is it true? can you list all of them ?

It is true that some of the largest-scale human casualties in world history have occurred in China. Here are some of the major instances:

Three Kingdoms War (220-280 CE): This was a period of intense warfare and political upheaval that resulted in an estimated 36 million deaths.

An Lushan Rebellion (755-763 CE): A rebellion against the Tang Dynasty led by the general An Lushan, which resulted in an estimated 36 million deaths.

Mongol Conquests (1206-1337 CE): The Mongol Empire, led by figures such as Genghis Khan and his successors, conquered much of Eurasia and caused an estimated 40 million deaths.

Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864 CE): A rebellion led by Hong Xiuquan against the Qing Dynasty that resulted in an estimated 20-30 million deaths.

Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945 CE): A conflict between China and Japan that resulted in an estimated 20-30 million deaths, including both military and civilian casualties.

It is important to note that calculating the exact number of deaths in these conflicts can be difficult due to limited record-keeping and other factors, and there may be some variation in estimates depending on the sources consulted.

how many peopled died during china civil war in last century?

The Chinese Civil War, which lasted from 1927 to 1949, was a major conflict between the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that ultimately resulted in the victory of the CCP and the establishment of the People's Republic of China. During this period, there were many military engagements and political struggles, and the conflict resulted in a large number of casualties.

It is estimated that the total number of deaths during the Chinese Civil War was between 2.5 million to 10 million people, including both military and civilian casualties. The estimates vary due to the difficulty in accurately calculating the number of deaths, as well as the fact that the conflict took place over a long period of time and in many different locations.

Despite the challenges in determining the exact number of casualties, it is clear that the Chinese Civil War was a significant event in Chinese history that had a profound impact on the country's political and social development.

how many peopled died during china cultural revolution in last century?

The Cultural Revolution, which lasted from 1966 to 1976, was a period of political turmoil and social upheaval in China initiated by Mao Zedong, the leader of the Communist Party of China. During this period, Mao called for a cultural and ideological revolution that aimed to purge elements deemed "bourgeois" or "reactionary" from Chinese society.

The Cultural Revolution led to widespread violence, persecution, and human rights abuses, resulting in a large number of casualties. It is difficult to determine the exact number of deaths during this period, but estimates range from hundreds of thousands to millions of people.

The violence and persecution of the Cultural Revolution affected a wide range of people, including intellectuals, artists, political dissidents, and members of ethnic and religious minorities. Many were subjected to public humiliation, imprisonment, torture, and execution, while others were forced to flee the country or live in hiding.

While the exact number of casualties during the Cultural Revolution is uncertain, it is clear that the period had a significant and lasting impact on Chinese society and politics. The trauma and upheaval of this period continue to be felt in China today, and the legacy of the Cultural Revolution remains a controversial and sensitive topic in Chinese politics and society.

how many peopled died during china abortion and one child policy in last century?

The one-child policy, which was implemented in China in 1979 and ended in 2015, restricted most couples to having only one child in an effort to control population growth. The policy was strictly enforced through a variety of measures, including fines, forced abortions, and sterilizations.

The number of deaths directly resulting from the one-child policy is difficult to determine. However, it is well documented that the policy resulted in forced abortions and sterilizations, particularly in cases where couples had already had one child or where the mother was deemed to be over the allowable age for childbearing. These practices led to a significant number of deaths, injuries, and psychological trauma for those affected.

According to a report by the Chinese Health Ministry in 2013, there were 336 million abortions and 196 million sterilizations carried out in China between 1971 and 2010. It is important to note that not all of these procedures were directly related to the one-child policy, and some may have been carried out for other reasons such as medical necessity. However, the policy was a major factor in the high number of abortions and sterilizations in China during this period.

While it is difficult to determine the exact number of deaths resulting from the one-child policy, it is clear that the policy had a significant impact on reproductive rights and health in China, and has been criticized for its human rights abuses and negative impact on gender equality.

how many peopled died during china three years famine in last century?

The Great Chinese Famine, also known as the Three Years of Great Chinese Famine, was a period of mass starvation and death in China that lasted from 1959 to 1961, during the leadership of Mao Zedong. The exact number of deaths during the famine is difficult to determine, but it is estimated that between 15 million to 45 million people died as a result of starvation, disease, and other related causes.

The causes of the famine were complex and multifaceted, including natural disasters such as floods and droughts, as well as human factors such as policies related to collectivization and agricultural production. The Chinese government's efforts to increase agricultural production through collectivization, industrialization, and other policies led to significant disruptions in the agricultural sector, which contributed to the severity of the famine.

During the famine, food shortages were widespread, and many people resorted to eating non-food items such as tree bark, grass, and even human flesh in order to survive. The famine had a significant impact on Chinese society and politics, and led to changes in government policies related to agriculture and food production.

Despite the challenges in determining the exact number of deaths during the Great Chinese Famine, it is clear that the period was a significant and tragic event in Chinese history, and its legacy continues to be felt in China today.

is that natural disaster or man made events?

The Great Chinese Famine was a complex event that involved both natural and man-made factors. While natural disasters such as floods and droughts played a role in the famine, it was primarily caused by government policies related to agriculture and food production.

During the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Chinese government, under the leadership of Mao Zedong, implemented a series of policies aimed at increasing agricultural production and promoting industrialization. These policies included the collectivization of agriculture, which involved the consolidation of individual farms into large, government-run communes, and the promotion of steel production, which diverted resources away from agriculture.

The policies related to collectivization and industrialization led to significant disruptions in the agricultural sector, including the confiscation of grain and other crops from farmers, and the forced collectivization of land. These policies contributed to food shortages and other challenges in the agricultural sector, which in turn led to the severity of the famine.

While natural disasters such as floods and droughts exacerbated the food shortages and contributed to the severity of the famine, it was primarily caused by government policies and mismanagement, making it a man-made event.

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