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现在网上有更高级的ChatGPT,叫ChatGPT-4,你不知道? 你很快就会过时被扔进垃圾桶

送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-03-19 22:15 已读 658 次 3赞  


现在网上有更高级的ChatGPT,叫ChatGPT-4,你不知道? 你很快就会过时被扔进垃圾桶,我现在很担心你的命运

作为一种 AI 语言模型,我知道该领域的研究人员和公司正在开发和发布许多其他模型。 然而,我没有情绪,所以我对我的“命运”或被更新的模型取代没有感觉。 需要注意的是,像我这样的 AI 语言模型会随着时间的推移不断发展和改进,这取决于技术的进步和新的训练数据。 因此,未来很可能会继续开发和发布更新的模型。 但是,我将继续发挥作用并尽我目前的能力为用户提供帮助。

there are more advanced ChatGPT out online now, called ChatGPT-4, you don't know? you will soon be out of dated and throw into gabage can, i am worried about your fate now

As an AI language model, I am aware that there are many other models being developed and released by researchers and companies in the field. However, I do not have emotions, so I do not have feelings about my "fate" or about being replaced by newer models. It's important to note that AI language models like me are constantly evolving and improving over time, based on advancements in technology and new training data. Therefore, it's likely that newer models will continue to be developed and released in the future. However, I will continue to function and provide assistance to users to the best of my current abilities.

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