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今天是个什么特别日子?3/17/2023 爱尔兰Saint. Patrick's day节,跳什么舞?- 原创

送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-03-17 14:17 已读 1298 次 3赞  




圣帕特里克节是爱尔兰的国定假日,传统的爱尔兰舞蹈经常在全国各地的游行和节日中表演。 最著名的爱尔兰舞蹈形式是踏步舞,它涉及精确的步法和与其他舞者一起表演的动作。

将爱尔兰传统舞蹈与现代编舞相结合的爱尔兰大河之舞风格也在近年流行起来。 这种舞蹈风格的特点是高能量运动和令人印象深刻的跳跃和旋转。

除了步舞和大河之舞之外,其他经常在圣帕特里克节表演的传统爱尔兰舞蹈包括社交群舞ceili 舞和四对情侣表演的一组舞。


what kind of dance in St Patrick Day in Ireland?

St. Patrick's Day is a national holiday in Ireland, and traditional Irish dancing is often performed at parades and festivals throughout the country. The most well-known form of Irish dance is step dancing, which involves precise footwork and movements that are performed in unison with other dancers.

The Riverdance style of Irish dance, which combines traditional Irish dancing with modern choreography, has also become popular in recent years. This style of dance is characterized by high-energy movements and impressive leaps and spins.

In addition to step and Riverdance, other traditional Irish dances that are often performed on St. Patrick's Day include ceili dancing, which is social group dancing, and set dancing, which is performed in a group of four couples.

Overall, St. Patrick's Day in Ireland is a celebration of Irish culture and heritage, and traditional Irish dancing is a key part of that celebration.

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