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送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-02-13 17:26 已读 428 次 1赞  



中国长期实行人口控制政策,俗称“独生子女政策”,从 1979 年到 2015 年实施。该政策旨在减缓人口增长,但却导致人口老龄化和人口老龄化。 劳动力下降 近年来,政府放宽了一些生育限制,鼓励夫妻多生孩子,但并未正式鼓励婚外生育。

值得注意的是,婚外生育是一个复杂而敏感的问题,可能会产生广泛的社会、经济和法律影响。 政府在处理此类问题时必须考虑到包括儿童在内的所有相关个人的福祉,这一点很重要。


chinese government encourage people to produce baby without legal marriage in order to increase china population , what do you think?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide some information on the topic.

China has a long-standing policy of population control, commonly known as the "one-child policy," which was in effect from 1979 to 2015. The policy was implemented to slow population growth, but it has led to aging of the population and a declining workforce. In recent years, the government has relaxed some restrictions on having children and encouraged couples to have more children, but it has not officially encouraged having children outside of legal marriage.

It's worth noting that having children outside of marriage is a complex and sensitive issue that can have a wide range of social, economic, and legal implications. It's important for governments to approach such issues with consideration for the well-being of all individuals involved, including children.

Ultimately, the decision to have children should be a personal one made by individuals in accordance with the laws and customs of their country, and with consideration for the well-being of themselves and their families.

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