Circumstantial Laws 别境法
回答: Heartland Laws 心所有法 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2022-12-27 7:42
Circumstantial heartland laws appear in particular environments, include 5 items: desire, resolution, spell, stillness, and gnosis.别境义为此法于个别的心境出现,区别于上文的遍行法,有五位:欲、胜解、念、定、慧。(1) desire, on enjoyable environment, “hope” is its nature; being depended by diligence and effort is its karmic function. Desire has good, evil, and neutral ethical natures; here only says it can arouse diligently efforts to achieve good deed. 一 欲,于所乐境相,希望为性,勤依为业。欲通于善恶和中性这三种伦理道德性,若对善法起欲,能发正勤,由精进助成善事。(2) resolution, on decisive environment, remembrance and hold are its nature; not being led to change is its karmic function.二 胜解,即决议,于决定境,印持为性,不可引转为业。(3) spell, on studied or experienced environment, having heart to remember is its nature; being depended by stillness is its karmic function. 三 念,即读、咒,于曾习境,令心明记不忘为性,定依为业。念,即念叨咒语、座右铭、关键词等,可以招引等流果,维持身心于某种状态。(4) stillness, on being observed environment, to have heart in concentration, not loose is its nature; being depended by intelligence is its function. When heart is in still, the subjective and the objective mutually correspondingly change, so “stillness” is also being called “one heart”. The word stillness is Indian word Samadhi, is Chinese word “定”, is Bible word Noah. Among the “five-position 100-law”, only spell, still, and intelligence can hold heart (i.e., mind), so most Vedic teachings end with one of the three laws.四 定,于所观境,令心专注不散为性,智依为业。定是身心稳定,主客观相互而动的状态,亦作一心。此中,定能为此状态提供力、能量的支持和维护。(5) gnosis, on being observed environment, selection is its nature; severing suspicions is its function. Gnosis is born from stillness, therefore, above said stillness is depended by intelligence. In Buddhism, “philosopher’s stone” is a metaphor for gnosis.五 慧,于所观境简择为性,断疑为业。解知之心为慧。智能成事,慧能了事。佛教中用“金刚”来比喻慧。在英语中,“金刚” 义为“哲学家之石”(philosopher’s stone)。坛主:Adam_Luyan于2022_12_07 23:56:15编辑
坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_01_08 21:01:55编辑
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