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送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2022-12-27 7:42 已读 3852 次  



回答: 📖11.4.4 Migration Node 行蕴 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2022-12-27 7:34

Heartland Law is saying the laws are Heart-God’s touring places. What is Heart-God (or God, a human is a God’s host)? Heart-God refers to the eight senses in general and is also the eight kings of the heart: eye sense, ear sense, nose sense, tongue sense, body sense, consciousness, Intent (that is, pre-consciousness; that is, Eve-sense, Mana, or Jade-woman-sense), and unconscious. In religion, the unconscious is often divided into two parts, and the maculate part (eighth sense or second sense) is called Adam-sense, Buddha-sense, Alaya, or gold-boy sense. The immaculate part (ninth sense or first sense) is called "God sense" or "immaculate sense". Buddha means "perception, feeling", and Buddha-senses are all things heart projected, that can be directly felt. God-sense is immaculate, without nature of "memory", so people cannot directly perceive it. Heartland laws all belong to heart, like servants belong to lord, therefore, Heartland Laws are also being called “Laws belong to heart”.

心所有法,顾名思义:此诸法为心所有,从属于心;亦名心地法。心地,是说此法为心神之所履。什么是“心神“?心神泛指八识,亦作八位心王:眼识、耳识、鼻识、舌识、身识、意识、意(即前意识、即夏娃识、末娜识、或玉女识)、和无意识。宗教中常把无意识分成两位,污染部分(第八识或第二识)称作亚当识、佛识、阿赖耶识、或金童识;纯净的部分(第九识或第一识)称作“神识” 或 “纯净识”。佛是“感知、感觉” 义,佛识即人直接感觉到的一切事物。神识是纯净识,没有“记忆”的性质,人不能够直接感知到。

The 51 heartland laws were sorted into the six categories. (1) omnipresent heartland laws, (2) circumstantial heartland laws, (3) benevolent heartland laws, (4) fundamental annoyances, (5) latent annoyances, (6) uncertain heartland laws.


坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_01_08 21:01:18编辑

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