Benevolent Laws 善法
回答: Heartland Laws 心所有法 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2022-12-27 7:42
The 11 benevolent heartland laws are faith, shame, sin (remorse), non-greed, non-irritation, ignorance-less, diligently advance, ease, non-indulgence, renunciation, harmlessness.善法有11位:信、精进、惭、愧、无贪、无嗔、无痴、轻安、不放逸、行舍、不害。(1) faith, it is ardently tolerant with and desire to factual fortunes and virtues. Immaculate heart is its nature; it can cure faithless. Resolution is tolerance, is reason for faith, to desire benevolence is faith’s karmic fruit. Like a “purifying water pearl” can purify itself and water; faith, by itself, can purify one’s own and other hearts. Generally, faith has the three kinds: • Faith to “factually haves”, to all facts and empty theories, beliefs can be haves. • Faith to “have virtues”, to God’s or Vedic teachings, to four cruxes, faithfully beliefs are haves • Faith to “have capability”, to all benevolent mundane laws and transcending mundane laws, deeply beliefs that oneself can achieve through practices and studies. 一,信,于实德能,深忍乐欲,心净为性;对治不信;乐善为业。胜解即是忍,是信的因;乐欲是信的果。信略有三种,(1)信实有,即于一切实事和道理,深信忍耐可为有。(2)信有德,即信四圣谛为实,信可为有,信即是有。(3)信有能,即对于一切世间及出世间的善法,深信自己及他人,只要肯学习,都能获得那些成就。(2) shame, depending on one’s own juristic power, respecting and valuing sages and goods are its nature; curing shameless and stopping ferocious behaviors are its function. 二,惭,依自法力,崇重贤善为性;能对治无惭;止息恶行为业。(3) sin, depending on social power, easily refusing ferocious behaviors is its nature; curing sinless and stopping ferocious behaviors are its functions. Another saying, shame and sin are one body, to human is shame, to sky is sin. In Vedism, shame and sin are called as “two whites”, what can stop people from transgression and push people going up. But shame and sin are starting points for mental illness in most cases. Oriental world people’s “original sin” had been removed by Xuanzang (a Chinese monk; fl. 602 – 664), therefore oriental sin concept is different from western world.三,愧,依世间力,轻拒暴恶为性;能对治无愧;止息恶行为业。(4) greedless, in have laugh etc. environments, non- abidance is its nature; curing greed and doing goods are its karmic function. 四,无贪,于有、乐等境,无着为性;对治贪着;作善为业。(5) non-irritation, in bitter adverse etc. environments, no irritation and no hate are its karmic nature; it can cure irritation. Doing goods is its karmic function. 五,无嗔,于苦、逆等境,无恚恨为性;对治嗔恚;作善为业。(6) non-ignorance, on theories, or no Four Cruxes, explicitly comprehension is its nature; curing ignorance and doing goods are its function. In Vedism (i.e., Buddhism), non-ignorance is knowing of Four Cruxes, what are known as “should be known”. 六,无痴,于诸理事或于四谛理,明解为性;对治愚痴;作善为业。(7) diligently effort, on cultivation and severance of annoyances, fearless bravery is its nature; curing slackness and fulfilling goods are its karmic function. It has two aspects: (1) armored “diligently effort”, like ancient time, armored solder enters battle fearlessly; (2) second aspect is not to satiate or give up on benevolent laws. 七,精进或勤,于善恶的修断事中,勇悍为性;对治懈怠;满善为业。精进有五种:1被甲精进,即有势;2加行精进,即有勤;3无下精进,即有勇;4无退精进,即坚猛;5无足精进,即不舍善轭。(8) ease, far away from heavy burden, body and heart are easily pleasant. Qualified to carry out duty is its karmic nature; conversion, curing drowsiness, and qualified to be trusted are its karmic functions. 八,轻安,远离粗重不舒适的感觉,调畅身心,堪任为性;对治昏沉;堪任为业。(9) non-indulgence, diligently efforts on three benevolent roots (non-greed, non-irritation, non-ignorance), its nature is to prevent regression on cultivation. Its function is to cure indulgence and to fulfill all benevolent mundane and transcending mundaneness laws. 九,不放逸,以无贪、无嗔、无痴、精进四法为体;于所修所断事中,防修为性;对治放逸,成满一切世间及出世间善事为业。(10) renunciation, its nature is correct equality, honestly straight forward. Renunciative feeling is only feeling matches with unconscious. Curing frustration, providing power to non-greed, non-irritation etc. benevolent roots, and quietly dwell are its function. 十,行舍,行舍时的心即是平等正直之心;无功用住为性(此功法能修 “无为胜境” );对治掉举(即沮丧),静住为业。(11) non-harm, not annoyed with sentient beings; non-irritation is its nature. Curing harm and sympathizing sentient beings are its function. 十一,不害,于诸有情,不为损恼,无嗔为性;能对治害,悲愍为业。By nature, non-harm is non-irritation, but non-irritation’s body is merciful heart; non-harm’s body is sorrowful heart, so harmlessness is setup. Mercy, sorrow, joy, and renunciation, are four infinite hearts, are four inexhaustible power sources. 前文已有无嗔,为什么这里又立无害?答:无瞋于有情乐以慈心的体;不害能拔众生苦,以悲心为体。无嗔和不害二法能彰显慈悲二相。坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_01_08 21:02:10编辑
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