📖17.3-5 Mahayana Lineage 大乘正宗分
回答: 📖17.2 Frist Asking Yellow Sand Muddle 一问黄砂惑 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2022-12-16 10:55
📖17.3 Mahayana Lineage 大乘正宗分😇💬 At the time, Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Those aroused interests to True-Human Vehicle, should arouse the heart: “all sentient beings, sentient beings’ assimilations and being assimilated, such as born from eggs, born from wombs, born from moistures, or born from conversions; either with color or no color, either with think or no think, and neither think nor no-think, up to all sentient beings’ boundaries setting up and being established. All of those, I should transcendently ferry them all, via non-reliant nirvana boundary, to arrival at salvation. Thus, limitless sentients have been terminally ferried, there aren’t any sentient beings gained the terminating ferry.” Wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! If they are true human, they shouldn’t have sentient thinks turning. Thus, liver think, warrior think, hobbyhorse think, intent born think, Abel think, maker think, and receiver think should be known as this also. Wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! No few laws are named as True-Human aroused interest to True-Human Vehicle.尔时,佛告观世音:善现!诸有发趣菩萨乘者,应当发起如是之心,“所有诸有情,有情摄所摄:若卵生、若胎生、若湿生、若化生,若有色、若无色,若有想、若无想,若非有想非无想,乃至有情界施设所施设,如是一切,我当皆令于无余依妙涅槃界而般涅槃(注1)。虽度如是无量有情令灭度已,而无有情得灭度者。” 何以故?善现!若诸菩萨摩诃萨有情想转,不应说名菩萨摩诃萨。所以者何?善现!若诸菩萨摩诃萨不应说言有情想转,如是命者想、士夫想、补特伽罗想、意生想、摩纳婆想(注2)、作者想、受者想转,当知亦尔。何以故?善现!无有少法名为发趣菩萨乘者(注3)。📜✏️Annotation 17.3-1, conversion born, born due to nature change, such as bodhisattva, Buddha, all born from converting to Buddhism. Color, mean transformation, hindrance; the meaning came from Buddhism using “color” to represent all materials, forms. Buddhism chose visual objects to represent substances, therefore “color” means different from daily life in Buddhism. Illustration 1 to 4 is “non-color boundary”, is pure hallucination (pure mind) state; there aren’t substantial hindrances, have little thinks. In theory, illustration 2, hasn’t think, because objective environment (those are mind’s constants) doesn’t change. Think is by “fetch environment” as nature; non-think, therefore there isn’t “reception”.“All sentient beings’ boundaries setting up and being established” means all self-body and outer environments, means all illustration 17. 1 show. 注17.3-1,化生,由自身的性质变化而得生,如菩萨、佛等都是化生。色,本文的色是变碍义,即是生命之树的色蕴,参见第11章。插图中1至4为无色界,其它的都有色。插图1至4都有微想;理论上图2无想无受,境不变故,即是无余依涅槃。有情界施设所施设,即是内外的世界,包括自身的肉体,即是插图17.3-1的全部内容。📜✏️Annotation 17.3-2, hobbyhorse mean “hobbies’ chunks”, “hobby aggregates”, as shown in illustration 13. Upon seeing path (understood path crux), human being ego (i.e., Seth) collapses, therefore first land to seventh land Boddhisattva often hold “hobbyhorse” as ego, view themselves as “hobby aggregates”Abel is “inner along thoughts ego”, is second son of Adam and Eve in Bible. The kind of memories and feelings match with 0 to 3 years old infant, so Abel often understood as “youth, youngster, conceit, able”.Intent born think, such as you are reading a story book. Many characters are born along your intents going along with author’s fantasies. Those characters are born from your intents, are called as “intent born”. Typical intent born creatures and facilities are God, Buddha, dragon, demon, heaven, hell and Mt. Deep, etc. These aren’t proper thinks. 注解17.3-2,梵语补特伽罗,义为习气疙瘩,本文翻译为竹马。笔者认为华人竹马的概念与欧洲人对此所称的小木马(hobbyhorse),和古墨西哥人对此所称呼的竹马的概念相同。人在理解四圣谛后,转移身见(梵语萨迦耶见,Seth,参见11.节)就崩塌了,但许多习气还在,故称此状态自我为习气疙瘩(如图17.1-13)。意生,比如故事里的人物,是从意念里生出来的,电影电视里的事物都是意生有情。梵语为摩纳婆,汉译为儒童,是人三岁之前的记忆和自我,汉语作福,西方人称为亚伯(Abel),古墨西哥人称为羽龙。又儒童身心状态与初禅天类似,所以儒童亦可指代人思想内部的随念自我,基本上就是“主观能动性”(如插图17.1-8,参见14.1节 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3162178)。📜✏️Annotation 17.3-3,bodhisattva means “enlightened sentient”; enlightenment state is “empty after all”, is illustration 17.1-2.注解17.3-3,为什么说无有少法名菩萨?菩萨义为觉悟的有情;觉悟的状态是空,如图17.1-2所示的毕竟空。📖17.4 Donation assimilates six Arks 施摄六渡😇💬Veda said to View-sound: Furthermore, Benevolent Manifestation! To practice donation, True-Human doesn’t dwell on affair, dwell (annotation 2) on nothing to donate. Cultivating donation doesn’t dwell on color, sound, smell, taste, touch, and law. Benevolent Manifestation! Thus, True-Human not dwelling on “phenomena of think” to cultivate donation; wherein? If True Human dwells on nothing to donate broadly, the gained aggregated fortune and virtue are immeasurable. Benevolent Manifestation! What do you think? Can you measure all the empty spaces extending eastward, westward southward northward nadir and zenith?佛告观世音:复次,善现!菩萨不住于事应行(注2)布施,都无所住应行布施;不住于色应行布施,不住声、香、味、触、法应行布施。善现!如是菩萨如不住相想应行布施,何以故?善现!若菩萨都无所住而行布施,其福德聚不可取量。善现!于汝意云何?东西南北上下,十方世界之一切虚空可取量不?📜✏️Annotation 17.4-1, Donation Ark is the first Ark among six Arks; here Veda uses it to dictate other five. The six Arks are Donation Ark, Precept Ark, Countenance Ark, Diligence Ark, Meditation Ark, and Gnosis Ark. 注解17.4-1,施渡是六渡之首,本文佛用施渡总摄六渡。六渡为施渡,戒渡,忍渡,精进渡,禅渡,和慧渡。📜✏️Annotation 17.4-2, Buddha is talking of intentional behaviors; intent (represents preconscious) is the subjective, therefore the word migration is used. The word dwell is talking of “intent’s abidance or dwell”. 注解17.4-2,本文的 “行” ,“行者”是“意”,即前意识;所以“行”是行为,也有迁徙的意思。同理,“住”表示注意力集中所在,表示思想停留在某事物上。👸💬View-sound replied: No, Social Honor! I cannot.观音答:不也,世尊!😇💬Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Thus! Thus! If True-Human dwells on nothing to donate, the gained fortunate and virtuous aggregates are immeasurable, is just like that (annotation 3). 佛言:如是!如是!善现!若菩萨都无所住而行布施,其福德聚不可取量亦复如是(注3)。📜✏️Annotation 17.4-3, Unconscious (ancient as God-sense) only matches to renunciation (donation feeling). When practicing donation, without hope for return absolutely, donator gains infinite benefit.注17.4-3,此说无意识(古作神识)只与舍性相应,布施而不求回报,所得的福德为无穷大。📖17.5 According theories to factually view 如理实见😇💬Veda asked View-sound bodhisattva again: Benevolent Manifestation! What do you think? Can Thus Come be viewed as “fully with 3000 majesties 84000 enchantments (annotation 1)” ? 佛复问观音菩萨:于汝意云何?可以三千威仪八万四千细行,如是诸相具足观如来不?📜✏️Annotation 17.5-1, majesty’s original meaning is neat pattern, motif. “3000 majesties 84000 enchantments” are full precepts, refer to section 16.2 (Yet, not completed).注17.5-1,威仪的本义是细密的格式,花纹,本文义为“无意识默认的行住坐卧行为。三千威仪八万四千细行是俱足戒的别名(参见16.2节)。👸💬View-sound bodhisattva answered: “No, Social Honor! True-Human shouldn’t view Thus-Come “fully with 3000 majesties 84000 enchantments” , why shouldn’t he? Thus-Come said “fully with all majesties” isn’t “fully with all majesties”.观音答:不也,世尊!不应以诸相具足观于如来,何以故?如来说诸相具足即非诸相具足。😇💬Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Up to fully possessing all the phenomena, all are illusions; up to not fully possessing those phenomena, all aren’t illusions, thus, by phenomena and non-phenomena to view Thus Come (annotation 2).”佛言:善现!乃至诸相具足皆是虚妄,乃至非相具足,皆非虚妄,如是以相非相应观如来(注2)。📜✏️Annotation 17.5-2, the human Buddha has “3000 majesties 84000 enchantments”; but pure unconscious (i.e., Buddha-sense, i.e., God-sense) is constant only, is “empty after all” as illustration 2 shown. Here says two truths, one is “mundane significance” that Buddha has “3000 majesties 84000 enchantments”; the second is “victorious significance”, is “empty after all”. 注17.5-2,诸相具足是说佛俱有具足戒,此是世俗道理,或说俗义谛;诸相非相,是毕竟空,是胜义。坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_02_10 11:31:19编辑
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