📖17.2 Frist Asking Yellow Sand Muddle 一问黄砂惑
回答: 🌲📕17👁️⃤金刚经释 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2022-12-14 22:20
👸💬At the time, among crowd, View-sound stood up, uncovered her right shoulder, knelt upon her right knee, and respectfully raising her hands with palms joined, addressed Buddha: Rare! Social Honor! Up to Thus Come by supremely victorious assimilation to assimilate and enjoy True-Humans and Great-True-Humans; up to Thus Come by supremely victorious instructions to counsel True-Humans and Great-True-Humans. Social Honor! True-Humans have aroused Bodhi Heart, how should they dwell their intentions? How should they behave and cultivate? How should they assimilate and tame their hearts? 尔时,众中具寿观世音从座而起,偏袒一肩,右膝著地,合掌恭敬而白佛言:希有!世尊!乃至如来能以最胜摄受,摄受诸菩萨摩诃萨;乃至如来能以最胜付嘱,付嘱诸菩萨摩诃萨。世尊!诸有发趣菩萨乘者,应云何住?云何修行?云何摄伏其心?😇💬Veda told full-life View-sound: Benevolent! Benevolent! Benevolent Manifestation! Thus! Up to Thus Come by supremely victorious assimilation to assimilate and enjoy True-Humans and Great-True-Humans; up to Thus Come by supremely victorious instructions to counsel True-Humans and Great-True-Humans. Therefore, Benevolent Manifestation! You should listen attentively, benevolently makes intentions. I should explicitly explain it for you. 佛告俱寿观世音曰:善哉!善哉!善现!如是,如是。如汝所说。乃至如来能以最胜摄受,摄受诸菩萨摩诃萨;乃至如来能以最胜付嘱,付嘱诸菩萨摩诃萨。是故,善现!汝应谛听,极善作意,吾当为汝分别解说。👸💬Full-life View-sound reported to Veda: Thus! Social Honor! Willingly gladly desire to listen! 具寿观世音白佛言:如是,世尊!愿乐欲闻。📜✏️Annotation 17.2, the question’s name is “yellow sands muddles”. A human on its journey to become a great true human, will experience through three stages (three a monk index-catastrophe). Upon understanding Four Cruxes (Bitter Crux, Aggregate Crux, Salvation Crux, and Path Crux), and taking “Bodhi Heart Oath”, become first land bodhisattva (aboard second “a monk index-catastrophe”). The Vow or bodhi heart is: Sentient beings are countless, I vow! I will ferry them all; Annoyances are endless, I vow! I will sever them all; Laws’ doors (i.e., faculties) are unfathomable, I vow! I will endeavor to study; Vedic (or God’s) path is upmost, I vow! I will endeavor to achieve.According to the oath, bodhisattva needs to ferry all sentients to Mt. Ararat, before achieving Buddhahood, but sentient-beings are so many, like sands in Sahara Desert. How to ferry so many sentients all to Mt. Ararat, Bodhisattva is full of muddles in heart; Buddhism calls these muddles as ““Yellow Sands Muddles”. 注17.2,此问题名作黄砂惑;什么是黄砂惑?俗世人在理解了四圣谛(参见《佛学概论https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&bbsid=2176&act=view&tid=3002423》中的13至16章)之后,发菩提心,即立下四宏誓言,就成为了一地菩萨。四宏誓言是:众生无边誓愿度,烦恼无尽誓愿断,法门无量誓愿学,佛道无上誓愿成;此即发菩提心,即觉悟的种子,是大乘佛教的第一特征。依据本愿(即菩提心誓言),一至七地的菩萨要超渡全部众生到须弥颅山(亦作金刚山,亦作和尚头),才能登上菩萨的八至十地,成为大菩萨(梵语摩诃萨,即佛)。众生那么多,多如大千世界中的黄砂,怎么能超渡得完呢!?菩萨对此心中充满疑惑;此即黄砂惑。佛教中,黄砂惑,见惑,和思惑(参见🌲📘14.3 烦恼的数 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3172127)并列,称为人生三惑。坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_02_10 11:32:16编辑
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