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📖17.6-8 Faith to Have 正信希有

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2022-12-16 11:18 已读 4320 次  



回答: 📖17.2 Frist Asking Yellow Sand Muddle 一问黄砂惑 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2022-12-16 10:55

📖17.6 Faith to Have 正信希有

👸💬View Sound reported to Buddha again: Social-Honor! Will there always be sentient beings in future, in 500 years, to the time correct laws are vanishing. Upon hearing this color (annotation 1) classic sutra, will they truthfully believe in?


📜✏️Annotation 17.5-1,color means color node, refer to chapter 11 Tree of Life.


😇💬Veda said: Don’t say that! But again, Benevolent Manifestation! In coming future, in 500 years, to the time correct laws are weak, there are True-Humans and Great-True-Humans with full precepts, full virtues and full gnosis(Annotation 2). Benevolent Manifestation! Those True-Humans and Great-True-Humans aren’t contributing to and sharing with at one Buddha’s place; their benevolent roots aren’t projected by one Buddha. Benevolent Manifestation! Those True-Humans and Great-True-Humans are contributing to and sharing with at hundreds of thousands of Buddhas’ places. Their benevolent roots are projected by hundreds of thousands of Buddhas, therefore upon heard the color of classic sutra, gain one faithful heart. Benevolent Manifestation! Thus Come by its Vedic intelligence has known them completely; Thus Come by its Vedic eye has seen them all (Annotation 3).


📜✏️ Annotation 17.6-2, in Path Crux, section 16.2 talks “full precepts”; in Bitter Crux, section 13.2, the 25 haves are “full virtues”; in Tree of Life, section 11.6.4, “full gnosis” are talked. (English version isn’t completed.)


📜✏️Annotation 17.6-3, can Buddha know or see 500 years later? Answer is no; this is wishful speech, and later Buddha said that law and non-law, both should be discarded.


😇💬Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Thus-Come has perceived: those sentient beings should birth limitless fortunate aggregates, should assimilate unmeasurable fortunate aggregates, shouldn’t they? Benevolent Manifestation! Those True-Humans and Great-True-Humans don’t have I think, sentient think, liver think, warrior think (i.e., daily life people’s think), hobbyhorse think, intent born think, Abel think, maker think, and receiver think. Benevolent Manifestation! Those True-Humans and Great-True-Humans don’t have law think, non-law think, and “neither think nor non-think” think (Annotation 3), do they? If they have law thinks turning, they should have I obsession, sentient obsession, liver obsession, hobbyhorse etc. obsessions. If they have no-law think turning, also they should have I obsession, sentient obsession, liver obsession, hobbyhorse etc. obsessions. Why is this? Benevolent Manifestation! Shouldn’t fetch law; shouldn’t fetch non-law! For the reason, Thus-Come intimately said raft metaphor (annotation 4); wiser should sever laws, who keeps the non-laws!


📜✏️Annotation 17.6-3, here, Buddha explained by the method of elimination that Figure 2 (none objectively have sky) is Nirvana.


📜✏️Annotation 17.6-4, a man builds a raft to cross a river; after crossing the river, he abandons the raft and does not continue the journey with the raft on his head. But reader you look at illustration 16.3-7, the woman was carrying a boat on her head; who is she? Egyptian Eve! She and View-Sound in the text are same type of goddess.


📖17.7 Gainless, Nothing to say 无得无说

😇💬Veda asked View-Sound bodhisattva again: Benevolent Manifestation! What do you think? Are there few laws being depended on, Thus-Come can prove and gain Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi (annotation 1)presently? Are there few laws spoken by Thus Come when he was in the stillness (state) of “Upmost Correct-Equality Correct-Perception”?


📜✏️Annotation 17.7-1, Sanskrit Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi, was translated into Chinese as 无上正等正觉, often simplified as 菩提心(i.e., Bodhi heart)and 正等明(i.e., correct equality light), is translated into English by me as “Upmost Correct-Equality Correct-Perception”.

注17.7-1,“无上正等正觉”的梵语是阿耨多罗三藐三菩提,英语是Upmost Correct-Equality Correct-Perception。

👸💬 View-Sound answered: Social Honor! Allow me to explain what Buddha said! There aren’t few laws in Thus-Come when he was proving and gaining Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi. There aren’t few laws spoken by Thus-Come when he was in the state of ‘Upmost Correct-Equality Correct-Perception’. Why is this? Laws spoken by Thus-Come, all can’t be fetched, are unspeakable, are non-laws, are neither laws nor non-laws. Why is this? Because those sages, holy hobbyhorses, all are manifestations of none-as (annotation 2).


📜✏️Annotation 17.7-2, have-as law VS. none-as law: mundane law or have-as law is law basing on the 25 haves in Bitter Crux. None-as law is victorious significance, base on illustration 2 (none objectively have, empty after all).


📖17.8 Legal birth 依法出生

😇💬Veda asked View-Sound bodhisattva again: Benevolent Manifestation! What do you think? Such as a benevolent man or woman uses fulfilling “three grand great grand worlds” of seven treasures, to donate; does the person gain fortunate aggregates many?


👸💬View-Sound answered: Many indeed! Social Honor! Greatly many! Why is this? Fortunate aggregates fortunate aggregates (annotation 1) Thus-Come said, aren’t fortunate aggregates, therefore Thus-Come says name of fortunate aggregates fortunate aggregates.


📜✏️Annotation 17.8-1, how is there two “fortunate aggregates”? first fortunate aggregates are have-as laws, are mundane law, exist. Later fortunate aggregates are none-as law, are victorious significance, are empty after all.


😇💬Benevolent Manifestation! If a benevolent man or woman uses fulfilling “three grand great grand worlds” of seven treasures, to donate. And if another good man or woman on the teaching, down to only four small sections, accepts, holds, reads, recites, finalizes to getting benefit, according to its theories to make intents, preaches and exemplifies to others. By the dos, the gained fortunate aggregates are innumerable times more than the earlier. What is the reason? All “Thus-Comes matched with “correct equality enlightenment” are born from this sutra; all Buddhas, all Social Honors are born from the sutra. Why is this? Benevolent Manifestation! Vedic laws Vedic laws Thus-Come says, isn’t Vedic laws, therefore Thus-Come says name of Vedic laws Vedic laws.


📜✏️Annotation 17.8-2, the first Vedic law is mundane law; the second Vedic law is victorious significance, is empty after all. Later texts have more the kind of strange grammar, reader can understand accordingly. Name means reception node, think node, migration node, and sense node in chapter 11.


坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_02_10 11:35:34编辑

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