📖17.9-13 Forbidden Fruit禁果
回答: 📖17.2 Frist Asking Yellow Sand Muddle 一问黄砂惑 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2022-12-16 10:55
📖17.9 ❎🍎Forbidden Fruit禁果😇💬Veda asked View-Sound bodhisattva again: Benevolent Manifestation! What do you think? Do Entering-stream-Fruit sages make spells this way: “I can prove and gain Entering-stream Fruit (Annotation 1)”?佛问观音菩萨:善现!于汝意云何?诸入流者颇作是念,“我能证得入流果(注1)”不?👸💬View-Sound replied: No, Social Honor! Entering-stream Fruit sages don’t make the spells: I can prove and gain Enter-Stream Fruit, wherein? Social Honor! Entering-stream Fruit sages entered nowhere, therefore Enter-Stream Fruit is named. Not entering colors sounds smells tastes touches and laws, is named as Entering-stream Fruit. Social Honor! If first fruit sages make the spells: I can prove and gain Entering-stream Fruit. This is having I obsession, sentient obsession, liver obsession, warrior obsession, hobbyhorse obsession, etc.观音答:不也,世尊!诸入流者不作是念,“我能证得入流果”,何以故?世尊!诸入流者无少所入,故名入流;不入色、声、香、味、触、法,故名入流。世尊!若入流者作如是念,“我能证得入流之果”,即为执我、有情、命者、士夫、竹马等。 📜✏️ Annotation 17.9-1, Entering-stream Fruit is one of four forbidden fruits in Buddhist “Small Vehicle (Theravada Buddhism)”; refer to section 15.2 Small-vehicle Fruits (not completed yet). There are four achievements, called Fruits, in this system, which are the Entering-stream fruit, One-come fruit, Non-return fruit, and Ararat fruit. Illustration 17.1-24 is Mexican Nahuatl hieroglyphs “middle earth”; the three thorny pears symbol the front three liberation fruits. Illustration 17.1-23 is Nahuatl symbol of Ararat fruit, God, Buddha, sage, and Shaman etc. What is reason for those called as forbidden fruits?Those four liberation achievements all are None-as laws (refer to XXX in Tree of Life), which are with nature of “renunciation”, they contradict with “aggregate, fetch, gather, picking, etc.” Therefore, if you fetch them, they die, vanish, (disappear). Here comes the nature law that sage doesn’t fetch own fruits; what daily life people called Forbidden Fruits are.注17.9-1,入流果是佛教小乘教法中的解脱成就的入门位(或作 “见道位”);此系统的成就位总有四位,分别是入流果、一来果、不还果、和罗汉果(参见15.2 小乘果 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3200446)。插图17.1-24 是墨西哥纳瓦特语的象形文字“中土”;那三个带刺的梨就代表此四果中的前三果。插图17.1-23也来自《墨西哥法典》,代表罗汉果,象征着上帝(或佛)。为什么四沙门果是四个禁果?答:四沙门果都是无为法果,与“取、集”等性质相违。无为法即是无“我”法。那为什么一果圣人不做“我是入流果圣人”的想法,或念头?答:“想”以“取相”为性,是“取”性;那样想,就是“取果”,果就死了(消失了),所以观世音回答佛说:不也,世尊!诸入流者不作是念,“我能证得入流果”。 插图是《西游记》电视剧的截图;《西游记》对人身果的描述:这果子遇金而落,遇木而枯,遇水而化,遇火而焦,遇土而入。人身果即四沙门果;那,怎样才能取得并保持有人身果呢?本文《金刚经》通篇讲述的都是对这个问题的回答。《述异记》卷云:“大食王国,在西海中。有一方石,石上多树,干赤叶青,枝上总生小儿,长六七寸,见人皆笑,动其手足,头著树枝。使摘一枝,小儿便死”。人身果即四沙门果;那,怎样才能取得并保持有人身果呢?本文《金刚经》通篇讲述的都是对这个问题的回答。😇💬Veda asked: What do you think? To One-Coming [back mundane world] Fruit sages, do they often make the spell: “I can prove and gain One-Coming Fruit”?佛复问:善现!于汝意云何?诸一来者颇作是念,“我能证得一来果”不?👸💬View-Sound replied: No, Social Honor! One-Coming Fruit sages, the second fruit sages don’t make the spell: I can prove and gain One-Coming Fruit, wherein? Social Honor! Because of “no few laws”, sages prove the fruit nature of One-Coming, therefore One-Coming Fruit is named. 观音答:不也,世尊!诸一来者不作是念,“我能证得一来果”,何以故?世尊!以无少法证一来性,故名一来。 (The Animated Bible Series, Episode 1: The Creation) 😇💬Veda asked: Benevolent Manifestation! What do you think? Do No-Return [back mundane world] Fruit sages often make spell: “I can prove and gain No-return Fruit”?佛复问:善现!于汝意云何?诸不还者颇作是念,“我能证得不还果”不?👸💬View-Sound replied: No, Social Honor! No-return Fruit sages haven’t the thinks that I can prove and gain No-return Fruit, wherein? Social Honor! Not basing on few laws, they proved fruit nature of No-return, therefore No-return Fruit is named.观音答:不也,世尊!诸不还者不作是念,“我能证得不还果”,何以故?世尊!以无少法证不还性,故名不还。😇💬Veda asked: What do you think? Do Ararats often make spell: “I can prove and gain Ararat Fruit”?佛复问:善现!于汝意云何?诸阿罗汉颇作是念,“我能证得阿罗汉果”不?👸💬 View-sound replied: No, Social Honor! Ararats, the fourth fruit sages don’t make the spell: I can prove and gain Ararat Fruit, wherein? No few laws are called as Ararat, because of the reasons and factors, Ararat is named. Society Honor! If an Ararat makes the spelling: I can prove and gain fruit nature of Ararat. He or she has ‘I obsession’, sentient obsession, liver obsession, warrior obsession, hobbyhorse obsession, etc. wherein? Social Honor! Thus-come said that I gained “non-admonishment stillness”, No. 1 in this. Social Honor! Even though I’m an Ararat, left greed and desires forever, but I never make the spelling that I have gained Ararat fruit, left greed and desires forever. If I have the thoughts, “Thus Come matching with correct equality enlightenment” shouldn’t grant remembrance to me: Benevolent Manifestation! The benevolent woman Kubaba (Annotation 2) has gained no-admonishment dwell, is the upmost No. 1. Because of not having objectively dwell, Thus-come said name of no-admonishment-dwell non-admonishment dwell (Annotation 3). 观音答:不也,世尊!诸阿罗汉不作是念,“我已证得阿罗汉性”,何以故?世尊!以无少法名阿罗汉,由是因缘名阿罗汉。世尊!若阿罗汉作如是念“我能证得阿罗汉性”,即为执我、有情、命者、士夫、补特伽罗等。世尊!如来说我得无诤住最为第一。我虽是阿罗汉,永离贪欲,而我未曾作如是念“我得阿罗汉永离贪欲”。世尊!我若作如是念“我得阿罗汉永离贪欲”,如来不应授记我言:善女人苦芭芭(注2)得无诤住最为第一。以都无所住,如来说名无诤住无诤住(注3)。📜✏️ Annotation 17.9-2, refer to section 4.2 (not completed yet).注17.9-2, 参见4.4节 猪爷爷驴奶奶(https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3196370)。📜✏️ Annotation 17.9-3, why says “non-admonishment dwell” twice? Here, admonishment means kindly advise, is reason of violence arousal. First “non-admonishment dwell” is mundane law, is “Have-as law”, means View-sound deliberately restrain “admonishment” emotion. Second “non-admonishment dwell” is saying victorious significance, saying that View-sound hasn’t a “I”, therefore “nobody” dwell in such a victorious state.注17.9-3,为什么说两遍无诤住?诤是好意劝谏义,是一切暴乱的起因;不诤是佛门第一戒。前一无诤住是世间义,是有为法解脱。后一无诤住是无为解脱。无为法是无我法,是空解脱,没有得到解脱的人,也就没有所谓的解脱之说;这是无诤住的胜义。 📖17.10 To Make Vedic Soil Majestic 庄严净土😇💬 Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! What do you think? In the past, at Igniting-Lamp Thus-Come’s place (1), did Thus-Come fetch and gain few laws?佛问观音:善现!于汝意云何?如来昔在燃灯佛(注1)所,颇于少法有所取不?👸💬 View-Sound Bodhisattva replied: No, Social Honor! In the past, at Igniting-Lamp Thus-Come’s place, Thus-Come fetched not few laws.观音答:不也,世尊!如来昔于燃灯佛所,都无少法而有所取。✏️ Annotation 17.10-1, “Igniting-Lamp Thus-Come” is Dipamkara Buddha, equivalent to Maize God (refer to XXX).注1, 然灯如来即燃灯佛,是释迦牟尼的启蒙老师,相当于中华文化中的谷神,参见18.1.3 金童(https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3197217)😇💬 Veda said: Such as a Real-human (i.e., Bodhisattva) says: I should make Vedic-Soils majestic. What the real-human said isn’t factual language, is he? “Majestic Vedic Soils with full merits and virtues”, Thus-Come says, isn’t “Majestic Vedic Soils with full merits and virtues”, therefore Thus-Come says name of “Majestic Vedic Soils with full merits and virtues (2)”. For the reason, Benevolent Manifestation! Real-humans dwell on nothing to arouse heart, not to dwell on color arousing heart, not to dwell on non-color arousing heart, not to dwell on sound smell taste touch and law and accordingly arousing heart, not to dwell on non-color non-smell non-taste non-touch non-law and accordingly arousing heart. Real-Human dwells on non-dwell to arouse heart.佛言:若有菩萨作如是言,“我当成办佛土功德庄严”,如是非真实语,何以故?善现!佛土功德庄严佛土功德庄严者,如来说非庄严,是故如来说名佛土功德庄严佛土功德庄严(注2)。善现!菩萨如是都无所住应生其心,不住于色应生其心,不住非色应生其心;不住声、香、味、触、法应生其心,不住非声、香、味、触、法应生其心,都无所住应生其心。✏️Annotation 17.10-2, “Majestic Vedic Soil” is illustration 17.1-2 none objectively have sky, is illustration 33 none objectively have place (land). “Majestic Vedic Soil” is empty after all, any decoration to it, is contamination to it.注17.10-2,佛土即是插图17.1-2的无所有天,即是毕竟空,即是插图八的无所有处地;你若庄严佛土,那纯粹是画蛇添足。😇💬 Veda said: Such as a mundane man, views his color body figuratively as Mt. Ararat. Benevolent Manifestation! What do you think? Isn’t His self-body gigantic? 佛复问观音:善现!如有士夫俱身大身,其色自体假使譬如须弥颅山王;于汝意云何?彼之自体为广大不?👸💬 View-Sound replied: His self-body is gigantic indeed! Social Honor! Gigantic! Benevolent Decease (Annotation 4)! Isn’t it? His self-body, Thus-Come says, isn’t his self-body, therefore, is named as self-body. Not by his own body, therefore, it is named as self-body (Annotation 3).观音答:彼之自体广大!世尊!广大!善逝(注4)!何以故?彼之自体,如来说非彼体故名自体,非以彼体故名自体(注4)。✏️Annotation 17.10-3, illustration 17.1-2 “none objectively have sky” is “constant silent light sky”. The light is pure unconsciousness itself (God-sense itself); is true of oneself. But daily life people always hold something as itself, such as the flesh body, God etc. they believe in. In the text, Veda said the mundane man hold mountain size outer world as his own body. Who has that kind of world view? Answer: that mundane man was Shakyamuni himself before he got enlightenment. 注17.10-3, 前文说了佛土是毕竟空;毕竟空就是纯“无意识”(即神识),是人的真实自我。一般人执着地“执着一些东西为自己,比如肉身,心爱之物,信仰等。本文,佛说有人认为自己的身体相似山一样大。谁有这种世界观?成佛前的释迦牟尼就是那样认为的,认为自体以天边为边际。这种人的世界观,认为自体包括肉体和视觉所及,所以观音菩萨说”名大身”。名即是受蕴、想蕴、行蕴、和识蕴。✏️Annotation 17.10-4, “Benevolent Decease” is one of Veda’s ten fames. Because Veda talked himself before he got enlightenment, so he recalled his Godfather self-sacrificed in order to enlighten him, became sad; therefore View-sound bodhisattva said the fame to comfort him.注17.10-4,善逝是十佛号之一。此处佛说及了自己成佛前的世界观,不由自主地回忆起了他的神父(大日如来)为了使他觉悟而自我牺牲了;因此,佛陷入了对大日如来的勉怀和悲伤。所以,观音说 “善逝” 来安慰佛。📖17.11 None-as fortunes are victorious 无为福胜😇💬 Veda said to View-sound: What do you think? If there were as many Nile rivers as the sand-grains of Nile, would the sand-grains of them all be many? 佛复问观音菩萨:于汝意云何?乃至尼罗河中所有沙数,假使有如是沙等尼罗河,是诸尼罗河沙宁为多不?👸💬View-Sound replied: Many indeed! Social Honor! Even the Nile rivers would be innumerable; how much more so would be their sand-grains! 观音答:甚多,世尊!诸尼罗河尚多无数,何况其沙!😇💬Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Such as, a benevolent woman or man uses fulfilling all those Nile rivers’ sand-grains number of worlds seven treasures, to contribute and donate to Thus-Come, would his or her gained fortunate aggregates be many? 佛言:善现!吾今告汝,开觉于汝,若善男子或善女人,以妙七宝盛满诸尼罗河砂等世界,奉施如来,善现!于汝意云何?是善男子或善女人,由此因缘所生福聚宁为多不?👸💬View-Sound replied: Greatly many! Social honor! The benevolent woman or man will gain greatly many fortunate aggregates because of the deeds. 观音答:甚多,世尊!是善男子或善女人由此因缘所生福聚其量甚多。😇💬Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Such as a benevolent man or woman to the sermon, down to only four short sections, accepts, holds, reads, recites, finalizes to getting benefits, according to its theories to make intents, up to preaching and exemplifying to others. By the dos, the man or woman gains fortunate aggregates are innumerable times more than the earlier.佛言:若以七宝盛满尔所沙等世界奉施如来。若善男子或善女人于此法门乃至此中四小节文句,受持、读诵、究竟通利,及广为他宣说、开示、如理作意,由此因缘所生福聚,甚多于前者无量无数。 📖17.12 Fortune of hold the sutra 持经功德😇💬Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Wheresoever, to the doctrine, down to four small sections is preached, that place should be venerated by mundane skies, humans and asuras etc., like it is a Vedic spiritual temple. Nonetheless, on the sermon, the people can fully reach finalization, copy, hold, recite, finalize to harvesting, up to preaching and exemplifying to others, and accordingly making intents; the kind of sentients have achieved supremely victorious rare merits and virtues. The place is dwelled by grand master, and one place by one place should be respected as wiser living place, same to those people who is on Godly mission.佛言:善现!若地方所,于此法门乃至为他宣说,开示四句伽陀,此地方所尚为世间诸天及人、阿素洛等之所供养如佛灵庙,何况有能于此法门具足究竟、书写、受持、读诵、究竟通利,及广为他宣说、开示、如理作意!如是有情成就最胜希有功德。此地方所,大师所住,或随一一尊重处所,若诸有智同梵行者。 📖17.13 ⛵Noah Ark 到达方舟👸💬View-Sound addressed Veda: Social Honor! What name should this sermon be known? How should we receive and hold it?观音复白佛言:世尊!当何名此法门?我等当云何奉持?😇💬Veda answered: Full life! The sermon’s name is Philosopher’s Stone Arrival Ark (annotation 1); the name you should humbly hold, isn’t it? The Arrival Ark, Thus-Come says, isn’t Arrival Ark, therefore, Thus-Come says name of Philosopher’s Stone Arrival Ark. 佛言:俱寿!今此法门名为《金刚到达方舟》(注1),如是名字汝当奉持,何以故?善现!如是到达方舟,如来说为非到达方舟,是故如来说名到达方舟。 ✏️Annotation 17.13-1,Bible word Noah means “rest”, author me believe it means “still” according to the word in Bible environment. The Philosopher’s Stone Sutra’s purpose is to arouse “Philosopher’s Stone Metaphor Stillness”. I mean the Ark is Noah’s Ark exactly.✏️注17.13-1,圣经用词“诺亚(Noah)”,本义为“休息”,笔者认为,根据圣经的用词习惯,“诺亚”的原义就是“定”。《金刚经》的目的就是发起“金刚喻定”,笔者认为此“到达方舟”就是“诺亚方舟 ”。😇💬 Veda asked: Full Life! What do you think? Has Thus-Come few laws to say?佛问:俱寿!于汝意云何?颇有少法如来可说不?👸💬View-Sound replied: No, Social-honor, Thus-Come hasn’t few laws to speak.观音答:不也,世尊!如来无有少法可说。😇💬Veda asked: Are there tiny dusts many in up to three-grand great-grand worlds lands?佛问:乃至三千大千世界大地微尘宁为多不?👸💬View-Sound replied: Those tiny dusts are greatly many! Social Honor! Very many! Benevolent Decease!观音答:甚多,世尊!😇💬Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! The tiny dusts in the lands, Thus-Come says, aren’t tiny dusts, therefore Thus-Come says name of lands’ extremely tiny dusts. Worlds, Thus-Come says, aren’t worlds, therefore Thus-Come says name of worlds. Benevolent Manifestation! What do you think? Should people by “500 majesties 108,000 charms” to view View-Sound Bodhisattva? 佛言:善现!大地微尘,如来说非微尘,是故如来说名大地微尘;诸世界,如来说非世界,是故如来说名世界。善现!于汝意云何?应以五百威仪十万八千魅力观于观世音菩萨不?👸💬View-Sound replied: No, Social Honor! People shouldn’t use “500 majesties 108,000 charms” to view View-sound bodhisattva, should they? Social Honor! Phenomena of fully with “500 majesties 108,000 charms”, Thus-Come said, aren’t phenomena, therefore, Thus-Come said name of 500 majesties 108,000 charms 500 majesties 108,000 charms.观世音答:不也,世尊!不应以五百威仪十万八千魅力观于观音菩萨,何以故?世尊!五百威仪十万八千魅力具足相,如来说为非相,是故,如来说名五百威仪十万八千魅力、五百威仪十万八千魅力。😇💬Veda said: Such as a benevolent man or faithful woman, month after month, day after day, donates Nile sand-grains number of self-body parts, thus the person continues Nile sand number of catastrophes (1 catastrophe = 1 eternity). And another benevolent man or faithful woman, on the juristic door, down to four small sections of the doctrine, he or she receives, holds, reads, recites, finalizes to harvesting, up to preaching and exemplifying to others broadly, correspondingly making intentions. By the deeds, he or she births fortunate aggregates innumerable times more than the earlier.佛复告善现言:假使若有善男子或善女人,于日日分舍施殑伽河沙等自体,如是经殑伽河沙等劫数舍施自体。复有善男子或善女人,于此法门乃至四句伽陀,受持、读诵、究竟通利,及广为他宣说、开示、如理作意,由是因缘所生福聚,甚多于前无量无数。 坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_02_10 11:37:04编辑
坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_03_08 12:29:33编辑
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