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英国有关 vaxxed 与 unvaxxed 感染率的数据显示,vaxxed 感染率更高

送交者: Berlusconi[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2021-11-15 15:53 已读 1510 次  


英国有关 vaxxed 与 unvaxxed 感染率的数据显示,vaxxed 感染率更高

00:00 Latest UK data
00:22 Surprise: Vaccinated MORE infected than unvaccinated. Or is it? Let's see.
00:42 COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report Week 41
01:00 **98% of population has antibodies w/19.7% from Infection
01:23 1st published instance of HERD IMMUNITY?
01:50 TABLE 1: Summary of vaccine effectiveness (outcomes Delta)
02:00 low confidence for this table though. Maybe misleading
02:55 FIGURE 1: data showing ages and vaccination Dose 1
03:51 FIGURE 2: data showing ages and vaccination Dose 2
04:37 TABLE 2: Covid cases by Vaccination status week 37-40
05:13 Most interesting data in last two columns.
05:49 if >30 vaccinated more frequently infected
06:15 the first time seeing data breakdown like this is fantastic
06:23 TABLE 3: Hospitalizations in the UK
06:42 Vaccinated LESS LIKELY to be hospitalized though.
06:52 TABLE 4: Deaths and vaccination status
07:11 Extremely low values for <18 Data is zero <29 1 death/million Vaxxed and 4/million unvaxxed
08:22 GRAPH: Fig2 a) Rates/100k by vax status
08:42 puzzling data? 2 hypotheses
09:31 is it segregation in the UK society?
10:00 or Does Vaccination promote Antibody Dependent Enhancement???
10:48 Graph Fig2 b) Shows more protection from hospitalized if vaccinated
11:00 Graph Fig2c) Shows more protection from death
11:20 Vaccines, remember, were approved to protect from severe COVID- NOT infection
11:54 UK is mostly AZ vaccine (Adenovirus) NOT mRNA
12:34 GRAPH Seropositivity ie. how many people showing antibodies Spike and Nucleocapsid
13:22 Explanation for who has antibodies from viral infection vs from the Vaccines
14:21 Good news about Natural Infection Rate reaching 20%
15:04 GRAPH Seropositivity and AGE
16:22 Mass screening to defeat the virus. Merogenomics involved in a project to help build tool.
16:45 IMPORTANT: due to stats of infectivity, Segregation due to vaccination status makes no sense
17:14 UK data clearly shows that vaccinated or unvaccinated makes no difference to SPREADING the virus
17:32 Hopefully we’re not dealing with Antibody Dependent Enhancement

贴主:Berlusconi于2021_11_15 15:56:50编辑
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