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送交者: 张旺教授[☆★★声望品衔12★★☆] 于 2021-07-03 14:25 已读 50 次  



回答: “宁弯不折”作者虚构亲见红卫兵五马分尸,被迫道歉(转) 由 张旺教授 于 2021-07-03 14:09

1. She who has family ties to The Father of China;
2. She who endured 10 year labor camp since age of 8 while no one else, even historians, could find any kid in labor camp;
3. She who tragically lost her virginity as victim of daylight gang rape and managed to hide it from police, school, classmates and community at large until she's embraced by the freedom land of America (even attempted rape will get death penalty in China);
4. She who survived a wound that required 40 stitches, which could literally cover a kid of her age head to toe, yet it was successfully kept invisible;
5. She who then beat the odds of 4.8% university admission rate without setting foot in classroom during the previous 10 years in labor camp;
6. She who then obtained a post-graduate degree even though she quit before finishing 4 year education;
7. She who tolerated routine finger-check through vagina on school campus while no female student recalled this ever happened anywhere in China;
8. She who suffered so much from watching hundreds of infanticides that she later on could not tell dream from reality;
9. She who was forced to witness a school teacher being quartered live by 4 horses, an atrocity that did not happen in front of her eyes but she still remembers vividly;
10. She who published an article in People's Daily, when and where no one else could;
11. She who caused UN sanctions against China, when UN cannot even do it;
12. She who was arrested in a secret way only 007 could experience in the movie, while the police can simply take you without question, even to this day;
13. She who was released thanks to Paramount leader Deng, Xiaoping;
14. She who was exiled to the US when even the most famous political dissident had to wait for decades in prison before US government's intervention to make it happen;
15. She who was immediately kidnapped and very soon rescued by police and yet managed to leave no trace of the incidence in police record;
16. She who can make full conversation with only 3 English words;
17. She who bravely slapped Sylvester Stallone on the cheek to stop his sexual harassment while working illegally off campus;
18. She who can secure green card in 3 years which takes others at least 5 years;
19. She who could see the future and has been proactively protecting her first secret husband from internet bullying and harassment decades later caused by the publication of "Lies In Two Worlds";
20. She who had full credit of a company founded and supported by her former second husband who also needs to recede into to the background for his own protection;
21. She who nurtured the inventor of internet browser who still believes it's his own idea;
22. She who can save US by 3D printing products that used to be made in China;
23. She who is already promoting 3D printing meat at home;
24. She who has a heart so big to even love critics she labeled "internet terrorists";
25. She who is so successful despite or thanks to the lies, distortions, exaggerations, fabrications even to this day, even to become President's adviser;
26. She who invented the golden principle of lying:"Bend, Not Break", that is: Bend the fact as much as you can, as long as you do not break it;
27. She who vigorously defends the above principle by attributing broken parts to "editorial errors", "translation errors", "misinterpretations", "random internet search".. fault of anyone but her;
28. She who becomes the living proof of the notion: Lies are glories until confronted by facts
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