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送交者: 张旺教授[☆★★声望品衔12★★☆] 于 2021-07-03 14:09 已读 547 次  



'Heartbroken' author Ping Fu willing to apologise for inaccuracies in memoir

Ping Fu, chief strategy officer of 3D Systems in the US, blamed inaccuracies in her memoir on memory failures or editing errors. Photo: Screenshot via Reuters TV

By South China Morning Post
July 1

"In 2010, Fu told US media NPR that she witnessed Red Guards execute a teacher by having her quartered by four horses, simply to frighten the children into submission. After Fang raised sharp questions about the veracity of this story, Fu admitted that this that traumatic event might not have taken place, and that her "emotional memory" might not be accurate. NPR has since removed the interview from its website."

"Speaking to a Post reporter by telephone in late June, Fu conceded last week that some of the details in her book were not accurate. "There was no arrest or time in jail or prison for the Red Maple Society members. We did informing and confession."

"...Soochow University officials have shown journalists dozens of documents including Fu's full academic records, to prove that she never conducted research or wrote a thesis on female infanticide, nor was she ever punished or arrested for political essays in student publications."

Ping Fu did not ever witness a teacher's death.
Nor did she ever be arrested due to political activities.
Nor did she ever write about a thesis on female infanticide.

She put as the opening in Bend, not Break that she was "quietly expelled" by Chinese government. Now we konw she had never done any deed as she claimed in the book that could possibly cause official expelling.

The book Bend, not Break lies from the first sentence, and the lie continues in the following chapters throughout the book.

It is just interesting for us to wonder what kind of editing errors can result in stories that never exited, or how bad a memory Ping Fu has to have to write a bio contradicting to her schoolmate's memories and Chinese readers' common sense.

贴主:张旺教授于2021_07_03 14:18:13编辑
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??她也是个小说家 (无内容) - maddogs (0 bytes) 07/03/21
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这个人吗,一看就是个精神病人 - 学习不是很好 (170 bytes) 07/03/21
看她自述经常做噩梦产生幻觉。 (无内容) - 学习不是很好 (0 bytes) 07/03/21
感谢上帝,这种疯子都去了美国 (无内容) - 学习不是很好 (0 bytes) 07/03/21
她应该进精神病院 (无内容) - 学习不是很好 (0 bytes) 07/03/21
说得太对了 - Kakibuki (133 bytes) 07/04/21
我持相同的见解? (无内容) - Kakibuki (0 bytes) 07/04/21
现在是云叔? (无内容) - Kakibuki (0 bytes) 07/04/21
狗改不了吃屎! (无内容) - 学习不是很好 (0 bytes) 07/03/21
和几个疯子居然还迫害陷害婉君 (无内容) - 学习不是很好 (0 bytes) 07/03/21
这位“作家”在短短一本书里撒了多少谎: - 张旺教授 (3653 bytes) 07/03/21

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