英语日历 | 我是三有青年
Beautiful things don't ask for attention.真正美丽的东西,并不会刻意寻求别人的目光。To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of LIFE.开拓视野,冲破艰险,洞悉所有,贴近生活,寻找真爱,感受彼此。这就是人生的目的。I just live by the ABCs: Adventurous, Brave, Creative.我是三有青年:有魄力,有勇气,有创造力。We can still build a life together.我们还是可以一起创造人生 。Sometimes I don't. If I like a moment... I mean, me, personally... I don't like to have the distraction of the camera. Just want to stay in it.有时候我不拍。如果我很喜欢某个时刻,我是说,就我个人而言……我不喜欢相机让我分心。我只想沉浸在那一刻 。——《白日梦想家》
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