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这乱世令人失望,还听音乐吧:Scorpion昨天新出专辑中的When You Know

送交者: 学习不是很好[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2022-02-26 15:19 已读 1729 次  


德国重金属摇滚乐队“蝎子Scorpion”昨天新出的2022专辑Rock Believer-摇滚信徒中的一首好听的歌When You Know (Where You Come From) - 当你明白你何去何从:

Scorpions – When You Know (Where You Come From)

With your head up in the clouds
You try to win the race
You’re the leader of the pack
The candle keeps burning from both ends
Until it’s blowing out with a bang

When you think you know the game
You don’t know anything at all
You cross the red line once again
Free fall
Hope you’ve learned your lesson well my friend
‘Cause there will always be a second chance

When you know where you come from
You know where you’re going
Just because you’re a child of your time
When you know where you come from
You back down for no one
Just be true to yourself, it’s your life

With your head up in the clouds
Your angels by your side
Someone up there keeps your dreams
The candle keeps burning from both ends
And the road calls your name once again

When you know where you come from
You know where you’re going
Just because you’re a child of your time
When you know where you come from
You back down for no one
Just be true to yourself, it’s your life
Just be true to yourself, it’s your life

And you keep driving down the highway of your life
There is no exit sign at all
There is a warning light that’s flashing all the time
And only you can stop your downfall

When you know where you come from
You know where you’re going
Just because you’re a child of your time
When you know where you come from
You back down for no one
Just be true to yourself, it’s your life

Just be true to yourself, it’s your life
Just be true to yourself, it’s your life
贴主:学习不是很好于2022_02_26 15:27:57编辑
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是啊,难以置信,都奔七了吧 (无内容) - 学习不是很好 (0 bytes) 02/27/22
这几个老外有点做作! (无内容) - 学习不是很好 (0 bytes) 02/26/22
嗯,来个不太做作的,嘿嘿 - 老黑鱼 (155 bytes) 02/26/22
唱的不错!牙好,吃嘛嘛香! (无内容) - 学习不是很好 (0 bytes) 02/26/22
这首我唱过呀,找不到了 (无内容) - 学习不是很好 (0 bytes) 02/26/22

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