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送交者: 遥遥领先ABC[♀★品衔R5★♀] 于 2024-03-27 20:09 已读 367 次  


Expat Health Insurance Comparison (expatden.com)

Expat Health Insurance Comparison (expatden.com)

Expat Health Insurance Comparison


If you are an expat looking to buy an insurance plan, there are many insurance providers that cater specifically to foreigners like you. But before you decide on a plan or provider, there are four important factors you need to consider:

Type of plan: Most, if not all, insurance providers offer at least three to five types of plans, starting with a basic plan that only provides coverage for major medical/hospitalization services to a high-level plan with comprehensive coverage that includes routine health check-ups, maternity, and a generally better outpatient coverage. Some providers may even offer a “worry-free” plan that comes with unlimited hospitalization and outpatient services coverage.Exclusion: Exclusions are general policy terms that all insurers impose, and these can vary widely from insurer to insurer. It’s always worth reading the exclusions in the policy before making a decision. Note that even the highest premium plans have exclusions.Area of coverage: If you only need coverage within a certain region such as, for example, South East Asia or Africa, then it’s worth checking out plans specifically created for these particular regions because they are usually cheaper than plans that offer worldwide (excluding the U.S.) coverage. Note that most plans include worldwide emergency cover (including the U.S.) for temporary trips outside of one’s area of coverage.Pricing: When choosing a plan, you should consider community rating, a pricing system for health insurance that enables everyone to purchase the same product at the same price and renew the policy. Community rating is beneficial for consumers because they can be assured that their age, location, and other individual details won’t impact the product’s price and terms. On the other hand, if both community rating and performance rating apply to the plan’s price, it means that the rates will be based on your personal claims history too.

Here are a few companies that offer good health insurance options for expats.

Cigna Global – is one of the most popular expat insurance providers out there. They offer a variety of plans, from basic (Silver) to comprehensive (Gold) to worry-free plans (Platinum).GeoBlue – is known for its coverage plans in the U.S. and is usually recommended for expats who need health coverage in the U.S. The company provides considerable access to the U.S. healthcare network.Vumi – is a good alternative to GeoBlue for U.S.-based expats, as it has the same features and coverage as GeoBlue.IMG Global – is a U.S.-based insurance provider that offers affordable plans.IMG Europe – offers some of the most affordable health insurance plans, but which can be upgraded to higher tier plans. If you never get a serious medical condition or if you only occasionally get sick, then the premiums you will be paying will stay the same within your particular age group when you obtained the insurance plan.Now Health – these plans are quite comprehensive and come with high annual limits. Now Health has two product lines to offer, SimpleCare and WorldCare. SimpleCare is a budget plan with limited hospital access within the covered region. On the other hand, WorldCare is more comprehensive, has a worldwide coverage, and comes with several options: basic hospitalization coverage (Essential); including outpatient services included (Advance); including dental services (Excel); and a high premium plan that includes maternity coverage (Apex).William Russell – offers several types of health insurance plans: basic hospitalization plan (Bronze Lite & Bronze), mid-level plan (Silver Lite), comprehensive plan (Silver), and an all-around plan (Gold).BDAE – this Germany-based insurance provider offers affordable plans. All of its plans are offered in five specific regions and provide coverage only in certain zones within the insured person’s country of residence and the zones outlined below. For that reason, the plans’ prices are relatively lower compared to similar plans that include coverage in other countries.Morgan Price – is an insurance provider based in the UK that offers great regional options.

You have several options when choosing the right plan. If you are still uncertain about which insurance option to choose, you can check out Cigna Global. They offer a comprehensive insurance plan that can be tailored to suit your specific requirements.

Alternatively, you can simply opt for an international insurance broker or consult one of our broker partners. They can help you get a better idea of the pros and cons of the insurance plans you may be interested in.

If you want to compare plans yourself, you can refer to the comparison table of different insurance providers below. We categorized plans into four categories:

basic levelextended levelcomprehensive leveloptions for U.S. citizens

You can compare prominent providers’ offerings for each category.

Since rates can vary widely across countries/areas of coverage, the quotation examples provided below are from the country or zone (excluding the U.S.) with the lowest and highest rates, and are also based on the lowest available annual deductible/excess.

Please note that insurance plans and coverage are always subject to change. So make sure to check with the insurance company or broker before purchasing any plan.

Don’t have time to compare plans right now? No worries! Enter your email below, and we’ll send you the PDF version of our expat health insurance comparison. You can review and compare plans at your convenience.


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