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送交者: 色是空空是色[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2024-02-05 11:11 已读 1186 次  


Huawei forced to slow smartphone production on growing demand for AI chips

路透社周一援引未透露姓名的知情人士的独家报道称,中国科技公司华为在制造限制和不断增长的需求迫使该公司优先考虑人工生产后,被迫放慢其高端 Mate 60 手机的生产速度。 智能(AI)芯片。

据三位消息人士透露,华为采用单一工厂生产 Ascend AI 芯片和麒麟芯片,这些芯片用于苹果(纳斯达克股票代码:AAPL)的竞争对手 iPhone。 其中两个消息来源指出,生产效率因低良率而受到阻碍,这表明生产质量面临挑战。

尽管遭遇了这一挫折,但在中美技术关系紧张的情况下,华为发现自己陷入了人工智能能力的全球竞争之中。 有趣的是,尽管华为在芯片生产方面面临挑战,但三年多来首次占据中国智能手机销量第一的位置。

政府正在推动中国提高计算能力,导致数据中心项目和对华为 Ascend 910B 芯片(被广泛认为是中国最具竞争力的非 Nvidia AI 芯片)的需求增加。

华为选择专注于生产Ascend 910B芯片而不是麒麟芯片,从而放慢了Mate 60智能手机的生产速度。 此次生产转移的确切开始日期尚未披露。

消息人士称,华为正在积极努力提高良率,良率衡量的是每片晶圆的功能芯片数量。 希望目前的产量调整只是临时措施。

An exclusive story by Reuters on Monday, citing unnamed sources familiar with the matter, reports that Chinese tech company, Huawei was forced to slow production of its premium Mate 60 phones after manufacturing constraints, paired with a growing demand, forced the company to prioritize artificial intelligence (AI) chips.

Huawei employs a single facility to manufacture both its Ascend AI chips and the Kirin chips, which are utilized in Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)'s rival iPhone, according to three sources. Two of these sources note that production efficiency has been hindered by a low yield rate, indicating challenges in production quality.

Despite this setback, Huawei finds itself in a global competition for AI capabilities amid tensions in Sino-U.S. technology relations. Interestingly, Huawei has achieved the top position in Chinese smartphone sales for the first time in over three years, even as it faces challenges in the production of its chips.

The government is pushing for better computing power in China, leading to an increase in data center projects and demand for Huawei's Ascend 910B chips (widely considered the most competitive non-Nvidia AI chip available in China).

Huawei has chosen to focus on producing Ascend 910B chips over Kirin chips, slowing down the manufacturing of Mate 60 smartphones. The exact start date of this shift in production has not been disclosed.

According to the sources, Huawei is actively working to enhance its yield rate, which measures the number of functional chips per wafer. The hope is that the current production adjustment will be a temporary measure.

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