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Bethesda VR Collection💥大优惠

送交者: zero27[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-02-29 10:03 已读 2535 次 2赞  


Bethesda VR Collection (PC Digital): Skyrim, Fallout 4, DOOM, Wolfenstein Cyberpilot


优惠:-85% 现价:$22.49
PC Digital Download A Steam account is requires to activate/purchase and play (free to join).




The Bethesda VR Collection is a bundle of four virtual reality games developed by Bethesda Game Studios. It was released for Microsoft Windows in 2018. The collection includes:

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR

Fallout 4 VR

Fallout 4 VR



Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot

Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot

All four games have been adapted for virtual reality, with new gameplay mechanics and features. For example, Skyrim VR allows players to use their hands to interact with the world, such as picking up objects and casting spells. Fallout 4 VR lets players explore the Wasteland in first-person, and DOOM VFR puts players in the shoes of the Doom Slayer as they battle demons.

The Bethesda VR Collection is a great way to experience some of Bethesda's most popular games in a new way. If you're a fan of VR, or if you're just looking for a new way to play these games, then the Bethesda VR Collection is definitely worth checking out.

Here are some additional details about each game:

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR is an open-world action role-playing game set in the fictional world of Tamriel. Players take on the role of the Dragonborn, a hero who can absorb the souls of dragons. The game features a vast world to explore, a variety of quests to complete, and a deep character customization system.

Fallout 4 VR is an open-world action role-playing game set in the post-apocalyptic world of Boston. Players take on the role of the Sole Survivor, a survivor of a nuclear war who emerges from Vault 111 after 200 years. The game features a vast world to explore, a variety of quests to complete, and a deep character customization system.

DOOM VFR is a first-person shooter game set in the fictional world of Hell. Players take on the role of the Doom Slayer, a marine who is sent to Hell to battle demons. The game features fast-paced action, a variety of weapons to use, and a variety of demons to fight.

Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot is a first-person shooter game set in the fictional world of Nazi-occupied France. Players take on the role of a resistance fighter who is cybernetically enhanced to fight the Nazis. The game features fast-paced action, a variety of weapons to use, and a variety of Nazi enemies to fight.

贝塞斯达VR合集是贝塞斯达游戏工作室开发的四款虚拟现实游戏的合集。它于2018年为Microsoft Windows发行。该合集包括:

上古卷轴5:天际VR辐射4 VRDOOM VFR德军总部:网络先锋

所有四款游戏都已针对虚拟现实进行了改编,具有新的游戏机制和功能。例如,天际VR允许玩家使用手与世界互动,例如拾取物体和施放法术。辐射4 VR让玩家以第一人称视角探索荒原,而DOOM VFR让玩家扮演毁灭战士的角色,与恶魔战斗。




辐射4 VR是一款开放世界动作角色扮演游戏,以波士顿的后世界末日世界为背景。玩家扮演唯一幸存者的角色,一个在200年后从111号避难所中出来的核战争幸存者。游戏以广阔的世界供探索、各种任务供完成和深层的角色定制系统为特色。

DOOM VFR是一款第一人称射击游戏,以虚构的世界地狱为背景。玩家扮演毁灭战士的角色,一个被派往地狱与恶魔战斗的海军陆战队队员。游戏以快节奏的动作、各种武器和各种恶魔战斗为特色。


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