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送交者: yy888[♀★★★★天佑世界★★★★♀] 于 2021-03-26 15:54 已读 616 次  





首先我们就得排除掉“private car”这个词,


而真正的专车服务,应该叫ride-hailing service。


1. 专车 ride-hailing / uber

例:You know what’s cheaper and better than a taxi? Call an Uber. It’s a convenient ride-hailing service.

2. 步行 walk / go on foot

例:I need the exercise, so I walk to the office every day.

3. 单车 bike / bicycle

例:I live pretty close, so I usually take my bike.

4. 摩托 motorcycle

例:I bought a new motorcycle to get to work, because it’s cheaper than driving.

5. 公交 bus

例:I took the bus to the university.

6. 地铁 metro / subway / tube / underground railway

例:It'll be quicker to take the metro.

7. 渡轮 ferry

例:We’ve crossed the river by ferry before.

8. 私车 car / sedan

例:In the future, electric cars will be even more popular.

9. 出租 taxi / cab

例:We’re short on time. Let’s take a taxi.

10. 拼车 rideshare

例:If you are not in a hurry, a rideshare is cheaper.

11. 飞机 plane

例:Our plane landed in Chicago.

12. 火车 train

例:We went all the way to Tiber by train.

13. 游轮 cruise ship

例:The cruise ship we were on in the Caribbean was enormous.

14. 游艇 yacht

例:How many yachts does Bill Gates have?

15. 缆车 cable car

例:The most scenic way to visit the top of the mountain is by cable car.





1. ride-hailing / uber - 专车

2. walk / go on foot - 步行

3. bike / bicycle - 单车

4. motorcycle - 摩托

5. bus - 公交

6. metro / subway / tube / underground railway - 地铁

7. ferry - 渡轮

8. car / sedan - 私车

9. taxi / cab - 出租

10. rideshare - 拼车

11. plane - 飞机

12. train - 火车

13. cruise ship - 游轮

14. yacht - 游艇

15. cable car - 缆车

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