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讲波兰 二

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-29 2:14 已读 12323 次  



二战中德国杀害了290万波兰犹太人和280万波兰人包括波兰学者医生律师贵族神父和其他人。据估计,战前波兰的犹太人大约有90%被杀。1939年至1941年苏联占领波兰东部(Kresy)期间大约 150,000名波兰平民被苏联人杀害另有估计10万波兰人在1943年之间在Wołyń和东加利西亚地区被乌克兰叛乱军(UPA)杀害。 1944年被称为Wołyń 大屠杀。大屠杀是乌克兰民族主义者针对波兰东部德国占领区波兰当地人民进行的恶毒种族掠夺运动的一部分。在战争中的所有国家中,波兰失去了最高百分比的公民:超过600万人丧生 - 波兰近五分之一的人口 - 其中一半是波兰犹太人。超过90%的人死于非军事性质。


During World War II, Germany killed 2.9 million Polish Jews,and 2.8 million ethnic Poles,including Polish academics, doctors, lawyers, nobility, priests and others. It is estimated that, of pre-war Poland's Jewry, approximately 90% were killed. Around 150,000 Polish civilians were killed by Soviets between 1939 and 1941 during the Soviet Union's occupation of eastern Poland (Kresy), and another estimated 100,000 Poles were killed by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army  (UPA) in the regions of Wołyń and Eastern Galicia between 1943 and 1944 in what became known as the Wołyń Massacres. The massacres were part of a vicious ethnic clensing campaign waged by Ukrainian nationalists against the local Polish population in the German-occupied territories of eastern Poland.Of all the countries in the war, Poland lost the highest percentage of its citizens: over 6 million perished – nearly one-fifth of Poland's population – half of them Polish Jews.Over 90% of deaths were non-military in nature. 







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