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讲阿富汗 一

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-26 1:01 已读 12507 次  



阿富汗  Afghanistan



Today you let me write about Afghanistan,  traveling to Afghanistan. I think Afghanistan ‘s strategic location is as important as of Turkey, Egypt and Singapore. Afghanistan has always been an important point of convergence along the ancient Silk Road on land, with a network of roads and railways in all directions. Although these transport networks are not yet up to the modern standard, if the Eurasian high-speed rail network can be built, the Asian logistics network will certainly pass through Afghanistan. Because Afghanistan is the geographical center of south Asia, the United States can't wait to launch the war in Afghanistan. Afghanistan can go China to the east; go north to the other five Stan countries in Central Asia, as well as Russia; to the northwest it can go to Iran, the Black Sea Caspian countries; go south to Pakistan and India. If the land transportation logistics developed in the future, Afghanistan will also prosper! Afghanistan has always been invaded by the occupation of different empires and countries because of its geographical location, and like Turkey, has a rich history and colorful culture. I think Afghanistan should be the overlap region of different economic zones, the Central Asian Economic Zone facing the north, the Iran-Afghanistan Economic Zone facing the west, the China Afghan Economic Zone facing the east, the Pakistan-Afghanistan Economic Zone facing the south. There are flow of goods between the North and the South, and the greater exchange of goods between the East and the West. Afghan Should first develop infrastructure, energy and transportation, introduce talent and capital, to establish of a variety of logistics centers, educational institutions, in the future will become the region's cultural, commercial and financial center! 

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