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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-25 0:41 已读 12596 次  




Jan 19, 2019.  at 10:20 PM


Dear Vladimir:

你夸奖我昨天写的短文,很棒,很棒,很棒!” 而且还用了比如非常有描述性 ” 之类的词语来称赞我的短文!这些词语是以前习王时代后面策划专为我发明,而且常用的。所以问我要短文的是故人依旧,Honey你们能不能有点创意,多一点浪漫的互动,多用一些温暖甜蜜的形容词?真一群小兔崽子!今天来参加集会的,不只是以前的南美几个国家,还有哈萨克斯坦,以色列和阿富汗。哇哇哇,他们不但带来了好多当地的食品,比如,中东的点心baklava,还有中亚的烤肉串kebab,烤骆驼肉,而且有Nursultan Nazarbayev领头,跳了近两个小时,实实在在,兴高采烈的,欢欣鼓舞的,热情奔放的,快乐尽兴的舞蹈!哈哈哈哈! 南美的领袖自己就是能歌善舞的,本来就是畜牧业大国吃肉的, 也非常喜欢中亚中东的食物!这个世界上可能就算美国人在文化上比较自傲,比较闭塞无知,Jackie 喜欢kabab可是吃不惯骆驼肉呢黄金团队里的别人,可能连中东的点心都叫不出名了。

You complimented me on the essay I wrote yesterday, "Great, great!" And also used words such as "very descriptive," to praise it! These words were invented for me by the people behind Xi and Wang, and used commonly. So those want me to write are still the same gang, honey, could you be a little more creative, a little more romantic, a little more warm and sweet? True group of  bunnies! Today's gathering was attended not only by previous South American countries, but also by Kazakhstan, Israel and Afghanistan. Wow, they not only brought a lot of their food, for example, snacks from the Middle East, baklava, and Central Asian kebab, roasted camel meat, but also led by Nursultan Nazarbayev, danced for nearly two hours, really happy, and elated, Passionate, exciting two-hour dance! Ha!  South American leaders themselves are able to sing and dance, from originally a large animal husbandry countries like to eat meat, but also very much like food from Central Asia and the Middle East ! The world may even be only the United States who is too proud of its own culture, more ignorant. Jackie likes kebab, but can not eat camel meat ! The rest of the gold team might not even hear for Middle Eastern desserts.


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