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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-19 23:12 已读 2036 次  



Dear Vladimir 今天你要我讲我们上次去俄国的旅行。怎么会突然从昨天的做世界领袖话题,一下子跳到今天的去俄国旅行上了?这是什么样的逻辑联系呀?而且可能这是我最后一次去俄国了,为什么?因为我每天绞尽脑汁热情奔放满怀激情光给你们写赞美词,却没有该有的收入,让我怎么有能力再带Jackie旅行,以后怎么可以有素材多给你们写短文呢?这是一个不能持续的工作方式啊。我还希望明年Jackie可以跟学艺术的盖茨的小女儿一起去看哈迷塔吉博物馆, 还可以去俄国的西伯利亚,黑海,或者远东,如何成行?Dear Vladimir每次你让我写,我都关心你的前程,尽量多写。可是你们有关心我的吗?我的,不只是Jackie 的!

Dear Vladimir Today you asked me to talk about our last trip to Russia. How did you suddenly jump from yesterday's topic of being a world leader to today's trip to Russia? What kind of logical connection is this? And maybe that was my last trip to Russia. Why? Because I racked my brain every day to write compliments to you with passion and emotion , how could I afford to travel with Jackie and write more essays for you in the future when I don’t have the income I need? It's an unsustainable way of working. I also hope that next year Jackie will be able to visit the Hermitage Museum with younger daughter of Gates, an art student, and visit Siberia, the Black Sea, or the far East in Russia. How can she do that? Dear Vladimir, every time you ask me to write, I care about your future. Write as much as I can. But do you , all of you guys care about me? Me, not just Jackie!

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