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挑选世界领袖的标准 一

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-19 0:22 已读 1404 次  



挑选领袖的标准  Criteria on selecting world leaders

我认为,在未来,理想化的新的全球中央政府,将在大数据的基础上进行管理,采用人工智能,其中大部分将由计算机完成,由来自世界各地不同背景的人才联合决策。 它是先进的数字化集体领导。最高层面的公众人物,面向公众,更多是一个象征,而不是真正的权力持有者。目前,由于不同国家的政府有不同的历史发展轨迹,不同的宗教,不同文化传统和不同的政治制度,他们选择领导者的标准也不同,其影响也不同。美国是一个宗教国家,在选拔领导人时,标准一般是选择有经济基础和专业知识的白人男性。在世界各地,犹太人现在拥有庞大的网络,控制着重要产业的巨大资源,让犹太人成为世界领导者,世界管理将更加稳定,顺畅。我看到了我们的美国黄金组队Jackie三个犹太人加一个白人;两个好莱坞,两个技术背景,似乎在选择领导方面存在一些争论。我认为后面的决策者有点过时,不那么有创意。这其实并不复杂。为什么?在我看来,在选择世界领导者时,需要考虑以下几个方面:


 I think that in the future, the idealized new global central government, many of which will be managed on the basis of big data, will depend on artificial intelligence, and most of it will be accomplished by computers, and it will depend on the joint decision-making of talented people from all over the world with different backgrounds. It Is the collective advanced digital leadership. The public figures at this level, who are high up and open to the public, are more of a symbol than a real power holder. At present, because the governments of different countries have different historical development tracks, different religious, cultural traditions, and different political systems, they have different criteria for selecting leaders, and their influence is also different. The United States is a religious nation, in the selection of leaders , the criteria is generally to choose the expertise of the economic base of the white male. All over the world, Jewish now have a vast network, control of the great resources of key industries, let Jewish as world leaders, the world management will be more stable, smooth. I saw our American golden team, with Jackie; three Jews plus one white; two Hollywood, two tech backgrounds, and it seemed there was a bit of argument in the choice of leadership. I think the decision maker behind are a little old-fashioned, a little less creative. It's not that complicated. Why? In my opinion, in choosing a world leader, the following aspects need to be taken into account:

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