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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-03-08 1:18 已读 1520 次  




美国的将来已经定了。WTO规定中没有一条是说某国可以强迫他国禁止贩卖某种产品给另一个国家。美国干活少(出口不足)、享受多(进口太多),这是美国经济真正的问题。你看我没有工作,不是我要享受,而是我觉得这个社会结构有问题美国社会制度,是一个粗放的缺少艺术性的工程结构,缺少人性,缺少开发人的能动性机会的硬性结构。过分偏重大规模基层化生产,过分偏重不能带来满足人需要的军工产业。这才是大问题。「中国制造2025」规划了十大重点研发领域,它们是:第一代信息技术产业、高档数控机床和机器人、航空航天装备、海洋工程装备及高技术船舶、先进轨道交通装备、节能与新能源汽车、电力装备、农机装备、新材料、生物医药及高性能医疗器械等。我看了也担心Jackie 的将来!Jackie 的学校在洛杉矶地区,是属于最好的学校之一昨天她告诉我,学校里有些孩子用毒品,跟她同年龄的一个女生,已经怀孕生孩子了。


America's future is set. None of the WTO rules says that a country can force another country to prohibit the sale of a product to another country. The real problem for the US economy is that it works less (exports less) and enjoys more (imports too much). You see, I don't have a job, not because I want to enjoy life, but because I think there's something wrong with the social system structure. American social system is an extensive rigid structure lacking artistic engineering structure, lacking human nature, and lacking the opportunity to develop people's initiative. Excessive emphasis on large-scale basic production, excessive emphasis on the military industry which can not meet all the needs of the people. That's the big problem. "made in China 2025" has planned ten key R & D areas. They are: the first-generation information technology industry, high-grade CNC machine tools and robots, aerospace equipment, marine engineering equipment and high-tech ships, advanced rail transportation equipment, energy-saving and new energy vehicles, electric equipment, agricultural machinery equipment, new materials, biomedicine and high-performance medical instruments. I read it and I'm worried so much about the future of Jackie! Jackie's school is one of the best in the Los Angeles area. Yesterday, she told me that some children in the school use drugs, and the same age of a girl, has been pregnant and already have a baby. 

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