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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-19 2:46 已读 2684 次  



Mar 9, 2017 at 5:46 PM

少年青春期更重要的是在人生事业领域,人生观世界观价值,要寻找好的老师和偶像,树立宏大人生目标。这时父亲的作用就越来越重要了  Adolescence is more important in the field of life, the value of life and world outlook, to find good teachers and idols, and set ambitious goals in life. At this time, the role of father becomes more and more important.

亲爱的主席,88,今天早上Jackie起来好累,我真心疼她你们两个在边上,不可以逍遥自在,光顾着看小女孩憨态了。昨天她跟阿拉伯公主讲的时间太长啦,她们要做好闺蜜是来日方长的,有好多可以讲啊,甚至可以把Anna, 特鲁多女儿,甚至以后别的孩子也拉进来我在想象他们一起组乐队演奏,或者联合起来玩网上游戏呢我在想,是不是UAE的国王也是太喜欢宠坏他的小女儿,看见小女儿高兴找到个意气相投朋友,就让她们尽兴聊个够吧!可洛杉矶这边是深夜呢,Jackie一放学回来就倒头睡觉她是小孩子,你们不让我在组里,那你们要把把关呢!拜托啦,亲爱的! Jackie保守,只穿她穿过的好看的衣服我要费很多口舌才能让她尝试新的东西!你们能不能告诉她,春天因为温差大,所以即使穿短衣也要穿厚一点配衣服色彩对比度高,单纯一点就好.  如果有花花绿绿的要集中在一小地方起点晴作用最好,不要太花没重点.  她自己有了谱就会配衣服,不需要每次都来问你们,难道你们不烦吗?耐心有这么好吗?新买的短裙和牛仔短裙,因为里面有衬裤,所以正合这个季节穿.  黑色短裤是人造棉的,轻飘飘会凉.  88,她又来仰仗你跟我讨价还价,而你亲自出面替她说情,我不知道是不是真的是你我对你当然让步,末为介坚决维护你的形象,树立你在她心目中的庄严神圣高大一言九鼎无比正确的male authority. 亲爱的主席,88,嘿嘿嘿嘿,年纪大的人心软会溺爱孩子如果要真正学好某些技能,一般小孩子是不太会自觉自愿诚心诚意坐下来学的,孩子从小要严格受训练的,不能由着孩子来所以小的时候孩子能不能受到好的教育基础,主要看母亲反正Jackie该打的某些人生基础,有些我觉得她应该学的技能,她也基本上掌握了,我已经尽力了.  少年青春期更重要的是在人生事业领域,人生观世界观价值,要寻找好的老师和偶像,树立宏大人生目标。这时父亲的作用就越来越重要了父亲可以为孩子提供宽广的肩膀让孩子感觉安全,父辈的成就让孩子感到骄傲让他们在同龄人中自信满满,父辈的人脉社会资源又为孩子提供宽广的道路和发挥才能的机会,父辈言传身教的处事态度人生价值是孩子一生的参照和步入人生最初起点.  这也是为什么我希望你们能见她,跟她在一起一段时间。

Dear President, 88, Jackie is so tired this morning, I really feel bad about her. You two are on the side, you must not be at ease, please patronize and watch the little girl's attitude. Yesterday, she talked to the Arabian princess for too long. They want to be good friends and they have long time to go. They can talk a lot. They can even bring Anna, Trudeau
s daughter, and even other children in the future. I imagine them play a band together or play online games together. I wonder if the king of UAE  spoils his little daughter too much. When he sees the little daughter is happy  finding an ideal friend, so lets them have a good chat. Right? But it's late at night in Los Angeles. Jackie fell asleep as soon as she came back from school. She's a kid. You won't let me be in the group, so you have to check it out! Please, dear! Jackie is conservative and only wears the good-looking clothes she wears. It takes a lot of my words to let her try new things! Can you tell her that because of the large temperature difference in spring, she should wear thicker clothes even if she wears short jackets. When the color contrast of the clothes is obvious, just simple id fine. If there is a pattern, it is best to focus on a small place. The best effect is not to be too flamboyant. When she has experience and will match the clothes, she does not need to ask you every time. Don't you get bored? Is your patience so good? Newly bought short skirts and denim skirts, because they have trousers inside, so this is the season to wear. Black shorts are made of rayon, light and fluffy it will be cold. 88, she came to rely on you to bargain with me, and you personally interceded for her, I don’t know if it ’s really you. I certainly conceded to you, and at the end of the course, resolutely maintained your image and established your solemnity and sacredness incomparably correct male authority  in her mind.  President, 88, hey, hey, older people will be soft to their children. If children really want to learn certain skills, children are generally not willing to sit down and learn voluntarily. Children have to be strictly trained since childhood, parents can't come with the child's temperament. So when the child is young, can the child receive a good education foundation, it is mainly depending on the mother. Anyway, Jackie should have some basic life  skills that I think she should learn what she also basically mastered , I have already done my best.  Adolescence is more important in the field of life and career, the value of life and world outlook, to find good teachers and idols, and set ambitious goals in life. At this time, the role of the father is more and more important. The father can provide the child with broad shoulders to make the child feel safe. The achievements of the parents made the children proud and made them confident among their peers. The social network resources of the parents provide children with broad paths and opportunities to develop their talents. The attitude of the fathers' life and deeds, the value of life, is the reference of the child's life and the initial starting point of life. This is why I hope you can see her and stay with her for a while.

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