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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-17 1:34 已读 95 次  



Mar 7, 2017 at 9:21 PM

Jackie跟迪拜小公主Aliya聊得热乎 Jackie chats with Aliya, the little princess of Dubai

亲爱的主席,88Jackie说你们还要短文我跳舞回来,又听见Jackie在家里大呼小叫的,不知道跟谁在说得起劲呢!我一问,原来是跟迪拜王室的11岁小公主Aliya聊得热乎呢!Jackie真是一个丫小句野孩子,一点都没有女孩子的文雅气质,只有跳舞的时候还优美一点,她一讲话就是美国人的张牙舞爪啊!她兴高采烈地大呼小叫,我跟她说不能这样说话,可她从小性格不受拘束吧,你们真的得管教管教她呢,我有点不知道怎么有效地训练她,可让她有一个好的举止言谈,不然将来跟这些领袖孩子们在一起,别人会瞧不起她呢!不知他们彼此之间套近乎到什么程度,有没有可能下次在一起合奏,很有可能Aliya又是一个没去过Disneyland的小朋友我以前上班在保密单位,根本对外界没什么联络自从有了Jackie,自然而然社交圈就打开了.小孩子病了看医生就会跟医生有接触,跟一起看病的别的家长孩子要接触. Jackie上学了我当然跟老师还有别的孩子的家长交流各种补习才艺班也得去各种事情我都要问看见别人好的地方也要学.  亲爱的主席, 88,你们没有跟Jackie一起生活过,有很大一部分成长空间你们是不知道的不然,在给那些国外领袖交谈的时候,你们就可以互相取经啊,分享育儿经验.  比如说问他们阿拉伯王室的子女们是怎么养育的,他们在青春期要注意些什么?英国皇家,丹麦,瑞典等皇家的子女的生长环境如何?怎么教育啊?还有,日本的14岁小公主AIKO,最近好像瘦得过分,是不是也有可能让 Jackie 跟她认识交个朋友啊让她把心里话讲出来,就比较健康活泼做父母的都希望儿女能够向外发展的,能认识世界的,都希望儿女跟同龄人接触的,结交好的朋友,都希望孩子开开心心有人玩的,无论远在天边还是近在咫尺你们也可以向他们分享一下怎么教孩子的,也可以向他们抱怨,Jackie的功课太多了,害得你们整天围着她转.  也可以问问他们小孩子学点什么呀,我听说阿拉伯的孩子们要学骑马射箭呢!不同的国家,不同的文化,不同的宗教,他们都有一些特别的东西,很希望他们能一起分享也可以互相交流探讨一下,为啥别家女孩子的性格那么文雅庄重,而Jackie,丫小句野孩子那么过份怎么样才可以改变她的性格,当然还要多多请教别的领袖们,做个好父亲的经验之谈。 亲爱的主席,88,在世界政坛这个舞台, Jackie可是你们的孩子哦你们有的好讲了,谈着谈着就互相理解了,就把人心拉近了,就觉得下次应该找个机会让孩子们在一起了,孩子们在一起玩最开心了!如果还能在一起表演节目那就更棒了!这其中,会有很多尊贵卑下之分,也希望Jackie能够体会和了解不管怎样,相逢是缘分有缘分,以后就有发展的空间


Dear President, 88, Jackie said that you still ask for my essays. I danced back and heard Jackie yelling inside house. I don't know who she is talking to! When I asked, it turned out that she was chatting with Aliya, the 11-year-old princess of the royal family in Dubai! Jackie is really a little wild child. She doesn't have the elegance of a girl at all. She is only graceful when she dances. When she speaks, she is an American's claws! She yelled cheerfully. I told her she couldn’t speak like that, but she was unconstrained in her personality since she was young. You really have to discipline her. I don’t know how to train her effectively so that she can have a good  manner. Or else with these leaders and children in the future, others will look down on her! I don't know how close they are to each other. Is it possible that they will ensemble next time, it is likely that Aliya is another child who has not been to Disneyland. I used to work in a confidential unit and had no contact with the outside world. Jackie, naturally the social circle opened. When the child is sick, I will contact the doctor when she sees the doctor, and I will contact other parents and children who have seen the doctor together. Jackie went to school, of course, I talked to the teacher and the parents of other children. I have to take her to various tutoring classes. I have to ask all kinds of things, and I have to learn when seeing other people's good places. Dear Chairman, 88, you have not lived with Jackie. You don’t know a lot of room for children to grow. Otherwise, when you talk to foreign leaders, you can learn from each other and share parenting experiences. For example, ask their children of the Arab royal family, how are they raised and what should they pay attention to during adolescence? How are the children of the Royal, Danish, Swedish and other royal families growing? How to educate? Also, Japan ’s 14-year-old princess AIKO seems to be overweight recently. Is it possible to let Jackie know her and make friends with? Let her tell her heart, she will be healthier and livelier. Parents want their children to develop outwards, know the world, they want their children to contact their peers, make good friends, and they want their children to be happy and have fun, whether far away or near. You can also share with them how to teach children, and you can also complain to them that Jackie has too much homework, causing you to turn around her all day. You can also ask them what their children learn. I heard that Arab children need to learn to ride and archery! Different countries, different cultures, different religions, they all have something special, and I hope they can share it together. You can also exchange ideas with each other, why the girls of other families are so elegant and dignified, and Jackie, the wild child is so overwhelming. How can she change her personality? Of course, you must ask other leaders to talk about the experience of being a good father. Dear President, 88, on the stage of World Political Forum, Jackie is your child. Some of you are good at talking, you understand each other when you talk, you draw people’s hearts closer, and you think you should find an opportunity next time. Let the children be together, the children are the happiest when together! It would be even better if you could perform shows together! Among them, there will be many noble and inferior points, and I hope Jackie can know and understand. No matter what, meet is a special fate. With fate, there is room for development in the future.

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