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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-11 1:33 已读 2115 次  



Mar 2, 2017 at 4:27 PM

合奏才好听  The ensemble is nice

亲爱的主席,88Jackie昨天告诉我,不但普京有参加昨天的交流,你们在一起真的是兴高采烈的,而且普京的侄女安娜又来了头回生,二回熟,上次Jackie他们讲半个小时,已经把对方会什么乐器都搞清楚啦,这次就是真正的操傢伙演练了!据说是一共在一起演奏了三个乐段,都是柴可夫斯基 “ nutcracker ". 我好想也在边上听啊不知道演奏质量如何?你们觉得怎么样?我可以很肯定地说,不管怎么样,两个孩子一定很兴奋因为象这样一起演奏的机会是不多的,是会记一辈子的以后长大她们无论做什么事情,如果有一个人找到另一方,只要提一句 你还记得,我们当时演奏的是什么吗?....”  那两个人就已经是朋友+合作伙伴,什么都可以做,也一定会尽力帮忙的我不知道你们在一边观看的大人们心里会怎么想好多年前曾有位家长,他家里有拉小提琴的小男孩,来我家拜访的时候顺便也带来了小提琴的乐谱很自然俩个孩子在一起合作演奏那次是第一次,Jackie弹钢琴跟别的乐器一起合作,当时Jackie对弹钢琴灰心丧气的没啥积极性可是就那次事后,Jackie告诉我说,合奏的音乐真好听啊……” 真的,如果光钢琴弹和弦低音那是不成曲调的,是少感情的光小提琴的音色也是很单薄的,也就旋律而已可是很神奇的,很不可思议的,当两个乐器在一起的时候,突然就变成异常美妙的音乐了,就有立体的深远,就非常引人入胜,令人神往我于是告诉她,“一定要坚持弹嘛!” 你们听他们演奏有没有这种感觉?有没有看着孩子在一起玩儿,那么认真又那么可爱,心里异常高兴?我是很希望Jackie能够跟别人一起合作的,这是很快乐的事情,是会有令人瞩目成果的在一起玩音乐是会上瘾的,一来二去就成很好的朋友,是有默契的应该多邀请几个小朋友一起来,特鲁多的女儿,瑞典的王子,捏也脱的孩子,尽可能的适龄有才艺的在一起我是在梦想,哪天,这些领袖的孩子们可以组成一个乐队,让我们可敬的大作曲家John Williams, Hans Zimmer, even David , 来编曲甚至提供乐谱,可以是古典,交响乐甚至流行乐,看看到时候可以去请Jackie Evanco, 甚至可以让你们丫小句 Jackie,扯着小鸭嗓上去唱歌!哈哈


Dear President, 88, Jackie told me yesterday that not only did Putin participate in yesterday's communication, you are really happy together, but also Putin's niece Anna came again. The first time strangers, the second time friends. Last time Jackie talked for half an hour, everyone had already figured out what instrument the other party would play. This time it is a real drill! It is said that three sections were played together, all of them are from Tchaikovsky "nutcracker". I really want to listen to it. I don’t know how the performance is? What do you think? I can say with certainty that no matter what, the two children must be very excited. Because there are not many opportunities to play together like this, they will remember for a lifetime. When they grow up, no matter what they do, if one person finds another one side, just say "Do you remember, what were we playing at the time? ..." The two are already friends + partners, they can do anything, and they will do their best to help. I don’t know about what you adults think while watching. Many years ago, there was a parent who has a boy playing violin at his house. When he came to visit my house, he also brought the violin sheet music. Naturally the two children cooperated together playing. That was the first time that Jackie played the piano and dueted with other instruments. At that time, Jackie was not very enthusiastic about playing the piano. But after that incident, Jackie told me, "The music of the ensemble is so good ... … ” Really, if only piano plays chords and basses, it is not tuned and less emotional. The sound of only violin is also very thin, just the melody. But It ’s amazing, it ’s incredible when the two instruments are together, it suddenly becomes very beautiful music. It has a three-dimensional depth, which is very fascinating and pleasing. I told her, “Be sure to keep playing well! "Do you feel that way when you hear them playing? Have you ever watched your children play together, so seriously and so cute, so happy? I really hope that Jackie can cooperate with others. This is a very happy thing and will have remarkable results. Playing music together is addictive, and it will become a good friend in one or two days, and there is a tacit understanding. You should invite a few more children to come, Trudeau ’s daughter, the Swedish prince, the pinch-off child, as talented as possible. I am dreaming that one day, the children of these leaders can form a band, let our respectable composers John Williams, Hans Zimmer, even David, arrange and even provide sheet music. It can be classical, symphony or even pop music. See if you can find Jackie Evanco, or even let your little Jackie, sing with duckling voice! Haha

Jackie说周末,Steven 可能会又邀请她去环球影城,看怎么拍电影的应该很多国外领袖的孩子都没有去过加州的Disneyland,环球影城,海洋世界亲爱的主席,88,以及后面的总策划,你们的丫小句Jackie一点一点长大了,一点一点结交世界上更多的朋友了,一点一点有互动串门子搞活动的需要啦也许你们可以在我这儿投点资,买一个多房间的物业,那这些孩子有空就可以来玩,住在里边来看朋友,搞活动,又比较安全也省消费,又有孩子们在一起比较开心,可去附近的游乐点一起玩啦!甚至可以去敲Steven的门,看他愿不愿意让这些领袖的孩子们也有机会看他们怎么拍电影的!你们知道吗,这才是Jackie后边独一无二的资源呢!甚至可以去参观他们的动画园,Jeff要想不通了对了,我觉得各个国家的领袖,应该跟他们孩子商量,一起动动脑筋,每个地方都提供一两个特别的资源,开放让大家有机会到处串门子那是属于你们这个圈的特别的活动资源,Jackie可做小领队亲爱的主席,88,昨天为什么要我写四个短文?我昨天讲起,因为文化的不同所以价值观不同我还是觉得,你们应该如果在北京的话,专门设置一个房间,可以是比较正规的中国风格的装璜摆设,要留点空间跳舞,最好有一个钢琴在后面,有电视屏幕,还要有一个小厨房我也希望你们会见领导人的时候要穿着体面一点,你们是世界级的世界政坛俱乐部了而且以后会越做越大的还有当不同文化宗教的领袖们来交流的时候,应该要注意的,到了夏天,Jackie穿的背心短裤,伊斯兰教的国家领袖们心里会怎么想?他们会让他们的小儿女们出来跟Jackie一起交流吗?不光是要他们讲自己的文化历史,还有很多的世俗的风俗习惯传统价值观,也应该请他们分享的我也希望看见你们接待不同的人,有穿不同的着装既是对别人的尊重,也有喜剧效果,想看你们是啥样!每天Jackie弹的歌曲,可不可以也给我一份留作记录请当地的领袖们,解释一下这些歌曲的背景,因为每次弹完Jackie就记不住都忘了,那有啥意思? 我也喜欢你们每次讲完事后要经常问她些问题,提醒她记住些要点你们讲之前要给一个简要介绍我觉得你们那些领袖有时候谈的话题有深意,也许我在里面可以替你们挡枪子,嘿嘿嘿


Jackie said that on the weekend, Steven might invite her to Universal Studios again to see how to make movies. It should be true that many children of foreign leaders have not been to Disneyland, nor Universal Studios, nor Sea World in California. Dear Chairman, 88, and later the master planner of yours, Jackie grew up little by little, little by little made more friends in the world, little by little need for interactive activities. Maybe you can invest some money here to buy a multi-room property, then these children can come to play when they have time, live inside to visit friends, engage in activities, it is safer and saves consumption. Children are happier together, you can go play nearby! You can even knock on Steven's door and see if he wants to give the children of these leaders a chance to see how they make movies! Did you know that this is the only resource behind Jackie! You can even visit their animation park. Jeff can't figure it out. By the way, I think leaders in various countries should discuss with their children and use their brains together. Each place provides one or two special resources. Everyone has the opportunity to walk around. That is a special activity resource belonging to your circle. Jackie can be a small team leader. Dear Chairman, 88, why did you want me to write four essays yesterday? I talked about different cultures have different values. I still think that if you are in Beijing, you should set up a room, which can be a more formal Chinese-style decoration. If you want to leave some space to dance, it is best to have a piano at the back, a TV screen, and a kitchen. I also hope that you will dress decently when you meet the leaders. You are a world-class world political club, and your club will grow bigger and bigger in the future. Also, when leaders of different cultures and religions come to communicate, they should pay attention to their clothes. In the summer, Jackie wears tank tops and shorts. What do Islamic leaders think? Will they let their children come out and talk to Jackie? Not only for them to talk about their own cultural history, but also a lot of worldly customs and traditional values should also be invited to share. I also hope to see you in different dress when meeting different people. This is respect for others with comedy effects, I want to see what you guys are like! Every day Jackie plays the songs, can you also keep a record for me. You have to ask the local leaders to explain the background of these songs, because every time Jackie  plays, she can’t remember but forget, what ’s the point? I also like that every time you finish talking, you should always ask Jackie some questions afterwards to remind her to remember some important points. Before you speak, you also give Jackie a brief introduction. I think the topics that your leaders sometimes talk about are very meaningful, maybe when I’m in group can block the gun bullets for you, hehehehe

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