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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-10 2:59 已读 1979 次  



我对世界各地的领袖和情治单位讲的是新的世界系统结构和很多创意,是不同凡响对所有人都有益处  What I have told leaders and intelligence units around the world is the new world system structure and a lot of creative ideas, which are extraordinary and good for everyone.

Mar 2, 2017 at 12:44 AM

我的思想是在世界领袖们同样的层次地位  My ideas are at the same level as the world leaders’

亲爱的主席,88,我再写一个今天在网上看公开课,讲谈判的艺术.  其中讲到谈判者有不同的文化背景,就有不同的行为和不同的价值比如说中国人比较好面子, 中国人有很强的等级观于是我就想到了你们的世界政坛.  我要求了这么多时间,你们开了一年半了快两年了,还都刻意地把我排除在外,不让我直接跟亲爱的主席,88交流嗯,就把我当成母夜叉,狐狸精了.  我有那么大能量吗你们也不把我放在群里边,我没资格跟其他领袖们交流接触我的地位甚至比我女儿 Jackie 都低这在中国可能就是习以为常的和一贯的做事风格,因为中国有太久的封建史,皇上天子超凡入圣不能跟凡人平起平坐的亲爱的主席,88,你们两位圣人,你们后面的策划,贪得无厌地,如饥似渴地,不间断地每天问我要短文而且,毫无顾忌,开诚布公,把我的短文分享给其他世界领袖们看,可见我的思想是在你们同样的层次地位的问亲爱的主席为什么问我要短文?答曰 是让我的精神有一个平衡的地方!”  我谢谢你们,可是,你们可不可以换一种角度思考问题.  首先,如果我精神有问题,如果我太寂寞孤独,写短文只是治标不治本!我真正的苦恼是在于,我有能力却没有机会和空间发挥,我有满腔的热忱能量爱情,不知道找谁共鸣舞翩迁,他们把我逼到角落身处困境,却到现在不给我赔偿,我无法转身如果这几个根源解决了,我自然就心花怒放,欢声笑语,海阔天空自由飞翔了你们既然在精神上让我跟世界领袖同享,把我放在群里就是很正常的了,有啥不好的? 我也注意到这边很多对我的反应,那种判断和取舍,可以感觉得到产生这些价值的人的文化背景,一定是欧美人,绝对不是中国人比如说对形体的偏见,美国文化的价值取向,外表视觉上的形象最重要,如果选择人或帮人配对时,当然就是从外表上来开始的因为美国人素质低很少能够进入精神层次的,文化太肤浅了而中国人可能会对性要求比较严格吧,还有名声吧,还会去把别人的身体健康病史,感情生活翻出来两边没有一个是真正触及心灵爱情的,而且这根本是干你屁事的!我一个基本感觉就是,美国这边有些部门的钱太多了,不知道怎么用这些部门的人素质太低了,鸡鸣狗盗而中国方面太功能了,有些不近人情


Dear President, 88, I will write another one. Today I saw an open class on the Internet that talked about the art of negotiation. It mentioned that negotiators have different cultural backgrounds and have different behaviors and different values. For example, Chinese care a lot about face, the Chinese have a strong sense of social class status. So I thought of your World Political Forum. I asked for so much time, you have been for a year and a half, almost two years, and you have deliberately excluded me, without letting me communicate directly with my dear chairman, 88. Well, just treat me as a spirit. Do I have that energy? You don’t put me in the group, I am not qualified to communicate with other leaders. My status is even lower than that of my daughter Jackie. This is probably the habitual and consistent style of doing things in China, because China has a long history of feudalism, and the emperor's extraordinary sanctification cannot sit on an equal footing with mortals. Dear Chairman, 88, you two Saints, the planner behind you is greedy, hungrily, and asks me for essays every day without interruption. And he has no scruples, and sincerely and honestly shares my essay with other world leaders, this is to see that my mind is at the same level as yours. Ask dear Chairman, why do you want my essay? The answer is "I have a balance in my spirit!" I thank you, but can you think about it from a different perspective. First, if I have a mental problem, if I am too lonely, writing an essay is just a leaf treatment without curing roots! My real distress is that I have the ability but not the opportunity and space to show the ability. I have passion and energy full of love. I don’t know who to look for and dance with. They have pushed me to the corner and I’m in a difficult position. Till now I do not get the compensation, I can’t turn around. If these root causes are resolved, I will naturally be full of joy and laughter, and the sea and sky will fly freely. Since you have allowed me to share with world leaders in spirit level, it is normal for me to be in the group. What ’s so bad about it? I also noticed a lot of reactions to me here, that kind of judgment and choice, you can feel the cultural background of the people who produce these values, must be European and American, definitely not Chinese. For example, prejudice against form, value orientation of American culture, and visual appearance are the most important. Or if you choose to pair or help people, of course, it starts from the appearance. Because Americans are of low quality and rarely enter the spiritual level, the culture is too superficial. And the Chinese may have stricter sexual requirements, and Fame it, and will dig out the health history and emotional life of others. No one on either side really touches the soul and love, and this is nothing to do with you at all! One of my basic feelings is that some departments in the United States have too much money and don't know how to use them. The quality of people in these departments is too low, and the Chinese are too functional, and some are not human.


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