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讲波兰 四

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-29 23:22 已读 12362 次  









在大多数地区,土壤和气候条件有利于混合型农业。粮食生产主导波兰农业产量最高来自:小麦,黑麦,大麦和燕麦。其他主要作物包括马铃薯,甜菜,饲料作物,亚麻,啤酒花,烟草和水果。波兰生产的产品和货品包括:电子产品,公共汽车和有轨电车(SolarisSolbus),直升机和飞机(PZLŚwidnikPZL Mielec), 火车(Pesa SA),船舶(格但斯克造船厂,什切青造船厂,格丁尼亚波兰海军造船厂),军事装备(FB“Łucznik”RadomBumar-ŁabędySA),药品(PolpharmaPolfa),食品(TymbarkHortexE威德尔(Wedel),衣服(LLP),玻璃,陶器(Bolesławiec),化学产品等。


In most areas, soil and climatic conditions favored a mixed type of farming. grain production dominated Polish agriculture: the highest yields came from: wheatryebarley, and oats. Other major crops included potatoessugar beetfodder cropsflaxhops, tobacco, and fruits.Products and goods manufactured in Poland include: electronics, buses and trams (SolarisSolbus), helicopters and planes (PZL ŚwidnikPZL Mielec), trains (Pesa SA), ships (Gdańsk ShipyardSzczecin ShipyardGdynia Polish Navy Shipyard), military equipment (FB "Łucznik" RadomBumar-Łabędy SA), medicines (PolpharmaPolfa), food (TymbarkHortexE. Wedel), clothes (LLP), glass, pottery (Bolesławiec), chemical products and others.

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