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讲基督教 十四

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-09 0:24 已读 1430 次  



The Investiture controversy or Investiture contest was a conflict between church and state in medieval Europe over the ability to appoint local church officials through investiture.The outcome was largely a papal victory, but the Emperor still retained considerable power.




The Medieval Inquisition was a series of Inquisitions (Catholic Church bodies charged with suppressing heresy) from around 1184, including the Episcopal Inquisition (1184–1230s) and later the Papal Inquisition (1230s). The Medieval Inquisition was established in response to movements considered apostate or heretical to Christianity, in particular Catharism and Waldensians in Southern France and Northern Italy.




The mission was only partially successful, and Ansgar returned two years later to Germany, after Harald had been driven out of his kingdom.



斯拉夫人的传福音或基督化是由拜占庭最知名的教徒之一 - 君士坦丁堡的族长Photios IPhotius)发起的。东斯拉夫人和南斯拉夫人的传教士取得了巨大的成功,部分原因是他们使用了人民的母语而不是罗马牧师拉丁语,或希腊语。

The evangelisation, or Christianisation, of the Slavs was initiated by one of Byzantium's most learned churchmen—the Patriarch Photios I of Constantinople (Photius)The missionaries to the East and South Slavs had great success in part because they used the people's native language rather than Latin as the Roman priests did, or Greek.

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