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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-04 23:45 已读 1332 次  





Globalization transcends the limits of nations, races, religions, and civilizations. It is above them. And the idea of Globalization, like the image that religion has built up in abstract concepts and in the spiritual realm before, is that all the people, the races, the religions, the civilizations, all of them respect it, and it is a tremendous force that binds all sides together. In the progress of the times, a lot of religious history holding previous areas of the national tradition of the limitations of the part, should keep pace up with the times. Religion is like a big tree, it has life, it needs to absorb new nourishment, open new flowers and bear new fruits. Islam, like other religions, like other civilizations, in the process of Globalization, should maintain the positive aspects of its beneficial civilizational development, and should discard or transform those aspects that are obstacles to Globalization. I think the Islamic economy, the Islamic way of life, the cultural creativity of Islam, and the Islamic form of organization can all be preserved. Some marriage customs, values, dress demands, women's rights, even certain laws, etc., are better to keep up with the standards of modern civilization. And in the understanding of God, there are other religions, other gods. Isn’t the world's religion, in this respect can be diluted? and the existing religious system should emphasis more on their system functions . Correct guidance and education should be given to the people's values and world view, so that everyone can work together under Globalization, tolerate each other, learn from each other, and share the advanced and outstanding parts of different religions! 

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