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长生不老不是梦!科学家实现高效抗衰 延长细胞寿命

送交者: 我在枫林中哭泣[♀☆★★★女中豪杰★★★☆♀] 于 2023-05-05 20:22 已读 1015 次 2赞  






The pioneering method, which was found to work in yeast cells, requires genetically rewiring a circuit to allow the cells to continuously oscillate between two deteriorative processes instead of succumbing to either.研究人员对细胞回路进行基因重组,通过切换和调控细胞在两种不同衰老路线中的行进,从而延缓细胞衰老。

The result is an increased cellular lifespan through a delay in the commitment to aging.通过延缓衰老过程,从而有效延长寿命。

Molecular biology professor Nan Hao described the circuit responsible for aging as a “toggle switch” that triggers the cells' progression toward death.郝楠称,控制衰老的回路就像一个触发细胞死亡程序的拨动开关。

“This is the first time computationally guided synthetic biology and engineering principles were used to rationally redesign gene circuits and reprogram the aging process to effectively promote longevity,” Hao said in a statement.郝楠表示:“这是第一次利用计算引导的合成生物学和工程原理来合理地重新设计基因回路和重新编程衰老过程,从而有效地延长寿命。”

Hao believes the process can eventually be replicated to apply to humans.郝楠认为这个过程最终可以被复制以应用于人类。

In a commentary, Howard Salis, an associate professor of biological and chemical engineering at Penn State University, said human cells contain similar — albeit more complex — age-committing genetic circuitry, making the same method of rewiring a possibility.


The recent study, titled “Engineering longevity — design of a synthetic gene oscillator to slow cellular aging,” was published in the journal Science last week.


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