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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-03-17 1:00 已读 1471 次  



美要放弃全球军事系统改变意识形态  American must diminish its world military system change ideology values



Now that Globalization is taking place, the two countries can finally work together. For US, spending trillions of dollars over the years to launch wars, make color revolution in the Middle East, establish a military system around the world, and impose economic sanctions on Russia, the ideological Cold War against Russia, has had very limited effect and has lost more than it has gained. If US is smart, it should take advantage of Russia's advantages across the Eurasian continent, as well as Russia's excellent culture, and overlap with the traditional ties to the history of Europe and Asia, and open up a large Asian market, which accounts for the vast majority of the world's population. Therefore, if Russia and US want to cooperate, first of all, US must abandon the global military system, because these things cannot be worn nor eaten, and the Americans are reckless and brutal in military affairs, causing negative energy to the whole world and creating obstacles to the peace of the whole world. Secondly, the United States has to give up the ideology of the Cold War, which is not in line with the world's progressive social trend. Because the ideology disseminated by Hollywood movies, Western media, and the entire educational system has nurtured an elite decision-making stratum. It has caused the United States to make strategic blunders, and it is a disaster for the future of the United States that strategic blunders have missed by a hair's breadth at beginning will cause long turn huge problems. 

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