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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-03-15 22:05 已读 1489 次  



偶尔可以有专业团体或者参加者上台表演,边上设置一些简单的饮料点心,场中跳舞,场外可以自己私下交流。可以一直到凌晨。可以邀请高中生大学生来参加毕业舞会,来俄国开行业舞会,大型公司的年终舞会,宗教团体的节日集合舞会同时可以要求世界各地的各种文化的文艺团体来参加表演。把舞会和旅游结合在一起,与婚礼蜜月套餐结合在一起,把舞蹈训练教学表演结合在一起,形成一种舞蹈社交的文化,同时推广旅游业礼服首饰,等等,就是一个大市场。Dear Vladimir中国不是有8千万共青团员,还有上亿的高中生大学生,找个机会,请他们来一趟,跳舞,交友,你就有生意了

Occasionally there can be professional groups or participants on stage, with some simple drinks and snacks on the side, dancing in the venue, and private communication outside the venue. Until the wee hours of the morning. High school students can be invited to participate in the prom,  open industry dances, large company's year-end dance, religious group conventional dance ball. At the same time, you can ask various cultural groups show groups from all over the world to take part in the performance. The combination of dance and tourism, the combination of wedding and honeymoon packages, the combination of dance training and performing, the formation of a dance social culture, the promotion of tourism, fashion gowns and jewelry, and so on, is a big market. Dear Vladimir, China not only has 80 million youth league members, but also hundreds of millions of high school and college students. Find an opportunity to invite them to come, dance, make friends, and you will have a big business.

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