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以巴关系 一

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-03-11 2:04 已读 1499 次  



以巴关系 Israel and Palestine relationship

Dear Vladimir, 今天你又让我写巴以关系。不是现在已经快解决了吗?我觉得巴勒斯坦也许是被排挤的太厉害,对以色列有深仇大恨,心里一直愤愤不平。巴勒斯坦可能是伊斯兰世界里最穷的国家,那边又没有石油。平心而论,以色列能够在沙漠中把国家建成中东地区最富有的国家,有高科技,高质量的教育,现代化的国家,是值得称赞的。巴勒斯坦是做不到的。同在一块土地上,如果巴勒斯坦人能够换一个位置思考,伊斯兰世界能够从长远考虑,为这块土地上的民众着想的话,应该接受以色列,应该和以色列合作的。世界上那么多元的文化,多宗教多种族的国家,即使有种族歧视,种族隔离,文化冲突,但还是统一在一个政府的管理之下。很多地区人们都和睦相处。现在全球化,将来会有越来越多的不同种族,文化宗教的人们,生活在同一个地区,或者有更大的流动性。伊斯兰世界,巴勒斯坦也一定会改变的。为什么要死脑筋了?

Dear Vladimir, today you asked me to write about Israeli-Palestinian relations again. Isn't it almost done by now? I feel that the Palestinians may have been too marginalized, have a deep hatred for Israel, have always been indignant. Palestine is probably the poorest country in the Islamic world, and there is no oil there. To be fair, Israel is to be commended for its ability to make itself the richest country in the Middle East in the desert, with high-tech, high-quality education and a modern country. Palestine can't do that. On the same land, if the Palestinians can think in a different angle, the Islamic world can think in the long run, for the sake of the people of the land, it should accept Israel, and should cooperate with Israel. So many of multi-cultural, multi-religious and multi-ethnic countries in the world, even if there is racial discrimination, apartheid, cultural conflict, but still unified under one government. People live in harmony in many areas. Now Globalization, there will be more and more people of different races, cultures and religions living in the same area, or there will be more mobile.  Islamic world, Palestine will certainly change. Why are you so stubborn?

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