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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-03-08 1:14 已读 1600 次  




Dec 9, 2018 at 6:32 PM


Dear Vladimir:

奥巴马和小布什一起去Jackie学校. Obama and little Bush went to Jackie’s school

上星期五American Almighty Five (AFF) 连同奥巴马和小布什一起去Jackie学校,看他们高中生合唱团和乐队的演出音乐会。真是高水准的,好棒哦!Jackie回来告诉我不知道为什么校长 Reuben Jones居然坐在她的右手边而左手边是两位前总统和AFF. Jackie 说 我感到不安!” 哈哈她在前总统和AFF面前一点都不惊慌失措,可在自己校长面前,却心慌的不得了。我想那个校长,一定是在两位前总统和AFF面前手足无措,而两位前总统和AFF,一定会在那群表现超级优秀的孩子们面前不安,因为那里大多数都是亚洲孩子,他们实在太优秀了。连对音乐有超级欣赏力的David, Jackie 都对他们赞不绝口呢!这实在太有意思了!

Last Friday American Almighty Five (AFF) together with Obama and George W. Bush came to Jackie ‘s School to see their high school choir and band performing concert. That's a high standard. It's great! Jackie came back and told me “I don’t know why, somehow, Principal Reuben Jones was sitting on my right, and on my left were two former presidents and AFF.. “ Jackie says "I am so nervous!" , hahaha浪來藍 She didn't feel panic in front of the former presidents nor AFF, but she was panic in front of her headmaster. I think the headmaster must have been bewildered by the two former presidents and the AFF, and the two former presidents and the AFF, would have been uneasy in front of the super-good kids, because most of them were Asian kids, they're so extraordinary! Even David, Jackie, who has a great taste for music, is full of praise for them! This is so much fun!

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