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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-02-27 0:18 已读 1546 次  



今天回来,Jackie告诉我妈妈,他们都夸奖你写的文章好呢,你写的啥?” 于是,我就跟她解释,我写了Vladimir 要做世界的领袖,要有全球观我也对Math 说,其实马克思的政治制度理论,社会主义共产主义都是以数学为基础的。那些人为的意识形态冲突,是没啥意义的。话讲到一半,就听见Jackie 告诉我, Steven对了!” 于是我很纳闷,我讲的是中文呢,Steven怎么会懂呢?Steven 说,因为卡尔马克思是犹太人!” hahaha 你看犹太人是那么地紧密相联,下次谁要想融入到犹太人群中,只要多讲犹太人的故事就行。今天我怎么突然一下那么受欢迎,真有一点受宠若惊了。


Coming back today, Jackie told me, "Mom, they all praise what you wrote. What did you write?" So I explained to her that I wrote that I want Vladimir to be the world leader, to have a global perspective. I also told Mr. Math that Marx's theory of political system, socialism and communism are all based on mathematics, and that those artificial ideological conflicts are meaningless. In the middle of the conversation, I heard Jackie tell me, that Steven said, "that's right!" So I wonder, I speak Chinese, how can Steven understand it? Steven said, "because Karl Marx is Jewish!" you see the Jews are so closely connectedNext time anyone wants to join the Jewish crowd, just tell more stories about the Jews. I'm a little flattered that I got so popular all of a sudden today.

贴主:转折关头于2023_02_27 0:21:21编辑
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