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Trigger Rate被触发前,加拿大房屋市场私贷先开始爆雷了

送交者: sitnam[♂★★虾钟钱★★♂] 于 2022-08-13 12:16 已读 5615 次  


从2020年春天疫情开始,到2022年加行开始加息前大约两年的时间里,加拿大央行的隔夜理论/政策利率长期维持在0.25. 期间各大商业银行的优惠利率维持在2.45%,贷款者拿到的实际贷款利率有的底至难以置信的1.25%。

随着央行一次次的加息,隔夜利率已经上升了225基点至2.5%。而9月份大概率BoC会加息50基点以上,从而触发trigger rate而迫使很多人立刻增加贷款。

而比这更惨的则是因为屋价下跌利率上升大量已经无法续约的私贷了。一个加拿大的贷款经纪Ron Butler最近见证了大量的这种案例并且在Twitter上分享了他跟一个顾客的对话。这个顾客是一个从B lender和私贷那里各拿了75万共150万作房屋翻修买卖的人,看来即将面临资金无法续约而被迫在市场上出卖为完成的项目。而最坏的情况是他卖房得到的钱应然不足以还清债务。

于此同时,加行对待加息的口吻则是"我们知道怎么作是最好的即使有些人会以此破产". 大戏上演。


Difficult Mortgage Conversation This Morning:
Him: I think the house value is down to $1.8M the 2 mortgages are $750K B Bank and $750K Private Lender in Second and the Second renews Sept 1st and that Second Mortgage Payment is killing me!!
Me: You're at 80% LTV now
Me The Second Lender is going to INCREASE not DECREASE the rate and they may need some fees to renew 
Him: No Effing way I can pay a dime more, what can you do? 
Me: Sorry, nothing 
Me: No, unfortunately, I just don't know of anyone financing past 80% now
Him: I only need 80%
Me: Not really, there are Lender Fees, Brokerage Fees, Legal Fees, New Appraisal Costs, you need more than 80% to cover all that and the rates will be HIGHER
Him: Jeez sounds like I'm Effed
Me: Sadly I think you need to sell
HIm: In this crap market!!
Me: Well, that's the other issue: an appraisal may show a lower value than $1.8M, there's actually a chance the Second Mortgage lender won't renew or insist on a large cash pay down at maturity
Him: Jeez, you are super negative
Me: Sorry, but the truth today is rarely good news

贴主:sitnam于2022_08_13 12:18:14编辑
贴主:sitnam于2022_08_13 12:19:05编辑
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