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送交者: haoyu177[布衣] 于 2024-04-24 19:39  


Job description: 

1: Upload product advertisements to the sales platform, reply to customer emails, and process customer orders.

2: Answer customers’ questions about product purchases and services via email in a timely manner, and facilitate sales orders.

3: Maintain product data online, log in to the sales system to complete orders and other work.

4: Handle and maintain relationships with customers, and strive for good reviews and repeat customers.

5: Need Chinese in the United States

For contact please add v: 18610070724

Or contact the email qiuhaoyu0724@gmail.com
喜欢haoyu177朋友的这个贴子的话, 请点这里投票,“赞”助支持!


所有跟帖:   ( 贴主有权设置个人黑名单,谢绝回复,被多名网友拉黑ID的社区信誉度降可能会下降。 )

用户名: 密码: [--注册ID--]

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